Chapter 6

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Haider burst through the kitchen door, spotting the witches gathered on the floor.

"The wolves-"

"-We know!" Nova and Rose said together.

"Wait, how would you know that?" It took Haider a moment to process the scene before him, Rose bleeding, Birdy unconscious. His mouth formed a big, dumb O shape before he shook his head. "Nevermind, my dad and your grandmother already left to go warn the rest of your coven. I'm supposed to make sure you guys are safe, although, it looks like I'm a little late for that, huh?"

Nova leaped to her feet, grabbing his arm. "We have to go. Birdy had a vision about the twins being attacked by the trail." She noticed his lack of urgency. "They're only five! Haider, we have to go now. "Nova began yanking him out the door.

Haider pulled her back confused," But we can't! I have orders to keep you all here in the house. If something happens to you on my watch the entire treaty could fall apart and you know that!"

"I don't give a fuck about the gods damn treaty. There are children out there! Defenseless little kids. We have to do something!" Nova shouted.

Haider stood up straight, his features stoic and icy.



He nodded his head. "No."

Nova ripped out of his grasp. "Fine. You stay here then. I'm leaving. I'm going to find those kids and bring them back. I don't give a fuck what you do, just stay out of my way." She snarled in his face. Turning to march towards the front door, reaching for the handle, they roughly yanked her back into his chest.

"You are not going out there. You are the future leader of this coven. Fucking act like it!"

"I. AM. Two members of my COVEN are out there right now vulnerable and you expect me to sit on my ass when I know I can do something? I wouldn't expect you to understand... after all, they aren't exactly human, are they?" She sneered.

She knew that was a cheap shot. Haider had proven countless times that he cared about the coven just the same as he would his own family. A part of her hoped provoking him in this way would make him relent. She needed him to see reason. Nova could never forgive herself if something happened to those kids. She could never forgive him if he prevented her from leaving.

"Why does it have to be you? Let someone else find them! You are too important! You can't just recklessly throw around your life like it means nothing! I won't let you!"

"Then come with me! Do whatever you need too, but I'm going and I'm going now. Don't think for a second I won't knock your ass out if you even think about stopping me."

Nova glared at him with such ferocity, he faltered. Her chest was heaving with a fury he had never seen, aimed at him. Haider knew without a doubt she would hurt him if that's what it took. He looked at her long and hard, searching for any sign that she might, for once, let him win. It seemed today would not be that day.

"Fine! But if shit goes sideways you have to promise to get the fuck out, got it?" He clenched his jaw.


Before Haider could change his mind, Nova shot from the house in a sprint. Running like the devil was at her heels, it only took a moment before she was out of the open and bursting through the trees surrounding her home.

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