~Midnight Knocks~

613 23 66

George's POV:

Have you ever wondered why something happened when it makes no sense at all? Like why the clouds are white and not purple, why water is wet, or why you the reader haven't come out to your parents yet.

Well regardless, I do. Every year on November 1st at around midnight I hear knocking. It's soft and gentle, yet harsh and scary, and whenever I try to reach the door I've never seen them. I've heard the knocking for as long as I can remember.

My parents never believed me so I eventually gave up. It's just me and this mystery person, or so they think! Today is my 25th birthday and this time I'm for sure going to get him in the act. I will sit in front of the front door until I hear the knocking, and just after the first knock I will swing it open and catch them.

I checked my watch at around 10:30 I sighed and sat down next to the door holding a book knowing I'd be here for awhile. I opened the book to page 25, how convenient. I read for around an hour before checking my watch again.

12:02 A.M...It's officially been my birthday for a minute. I bookmarked the book I was reading and set it to the side of the room, soon I stood up and grabbed onto the door handle. I was nervous yet existed at the same time.

"Here we go.."

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