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"You told both of us." 

Those small words rang in George's head. "How...How do you know that I told Clay that I wanted him to meet you? Did I ever tell you?" Dream sighed and looked lovingly into George's eyes. "Have you not noticed anything similar about us? George, I know you like Clay too not as much as me..but" Dream hesitated. "Happy birthday, George." Before George could say anything Dream lifted up his mask and completely took it off.

George's eyes widened at the sight, there was no way he ever expected...Clay to be Dream! "So..You've seen my face before. Ta-da?" George started laughing and giggling, it was adorable but Dream didn't know why he was doing it. "No wonder you wouldn't come to pick cupcakes and muffins up with me! You were the one giving them to me!"

THAT WAS WHAT HE WAS FOCUSED ON?! "You're not at all surprised that this is what I look like?" George nodded with a genuine smile on his face. "Of course I am! It actually makes me sad that Dream and Clay are the same people, confusing even...Does everyone at the bakery know that your Dream?"

Dream shook his head and laid back on the couch. "We're still friends, right?" George sat there for a moment. "Of course, why wouldn't we be?" Dream sighed, relived he quickly fell asleep without another word. George kissed Dream before laying down with him and going to bed.

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