When it Hurt

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It didn't hurt when you said goodbye;

Because I knew you would be back.

It didn't hurt when you said "I'll be late";

Because you always come eventually.

It didn't hurt when night came and you didn't come;

Because I knew you'd have a reason.

It didn't hurt when I spent days ignoring your calls;

Because I knew I'd eventually cave in.

It didn't hurt when you lied about where you were going;

Because I knew you would always return.

It didn't hurt when you told me she was nothing;

Because I know you love me somewhere deep inside.

But it did hurt when I told you goodbye;

Because I knew you were slowly tearing me apart.

It did hurt when you begged me to stay;

Because I knew it was time to finally leave.

And it hurt even more when I realized I should have started hurting long ago.

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