Call Me Pretty

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 She was trying very hard not to laugh at him, but her eyes

Gave her away so easily. How was it that he could never

Read her, unless she was laughing?

Golden light highlighted the gold strands in her fiery hair, making it look as if she had a blazing golden halo.

–A person who loved her and called her beautiful daily, a willowy figure and nice slim hips-

“I just want to be pretty.” She whispered to her

Reflection “That’s all, nothing else-

I’d give up everything.”

She’s a wild animal, a freak freak freaky freak!

“Damn you freckles.”

She stood, naked, in front of the full length mirror

-turning, turning, left and right, looking and looking. Picking apart

Every flaw, every detail-to be picked and prodded and perfected.

You could see every bone, every crevice and hollow. She was a girl made of twigs and leaves,

Brittle and exquisite even in sickness-

Her body was like spindly tree branches covered in ice, so gently that if you

Even touched her she would shatter.

Her eyes were blazing

“I am perfectly fine-I don’t need your help!

A wriggle of curiosity in her gut; a sudden need for a taste of danger

Dangerous and perfect and thrillingly hazardous

Dom just felt empty.

Was there a reason Dom wasn’t skinny or beautiful and covered in freckles?

“What did I ever do to you?” she asked her reflection, but it didn’t reply.

Her skin was a pale sky, the freckles stars guiding him along the earth; if he just read their code properly, knew what was up and what was down, maybe they could meet halfway

Bird like body

Were so delicate she could shatter if he was anything but temperate.

a bird, stripped of her feathers and hollow bones vibrating with the knowledge that Ben thought she was beautiful. The word –beautiful-slipped through her

Accenting every curve and kink of her being.

Sharp edges melted into soft flowing ways of moonlight,

Fingers turned to wind sweeping the

Hurt from the floor to reveal smooth marble and reflecting the sky; stars

Laying a path for them to follow. Pools of Sistine blue, melted

Drops of silver spread across a glass floor; to stare into those eyes and

Let yourself float, feel the waters hold you up and

Carry you away.

Tracing freckles with such care. Nothing happened, yet

Everything did;

“Hey, want to hear a secret?”

“Kill themselves while I’m forced to watch.”

Flying easily with her fiery feathers and hollow bones.

She wanted the disgusting feeling in her to go away.

“…this life and these hardships will seem like a dream, a simple, blurry dream.”

A/N: This poem is bits and pieces of my story 'Call Me Pretty'. If you enjoyed this I'm sure you would enjoy the story, too.


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