" Key word HAD! " (prt 1)

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A/n : they way I write is getting better . Meaning the way I make my paragraphs so bare with me guys

 Meaning the way I make my paragraphs so bare with me guys

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( song to play - yours by Evann McIntosh )

Another kegger at the boneyard with the pogues

Y/n was currently dancing with Sarah , swaying their body's to the music and feeling euphoric after having a blunt or two .

Jj didn't mind when y/n would smoke and he understood why she would smoke so much , but sometimes she would do stupid shit and make him mad

Y/n had a rough life . Dad leaving at a young age , mom barely there and only comes back for money . Y/n having to make as much money as possible to pay the bills and having to worry about keeping up her grades

Jj and the pogues knew that , but they didn't want her to rely on drugs for her stress .

So here jj is watching his girl dance sexually with Sarah , he didn't mind but not when there are guys staring at her ass 24/7

" hey " a guy called from behind y/n , she turned around . " yes?" She asked with bloodshot eyes

"Wanna drink ?" He asked . Y/n turned back around to see Sarah gone . "Sure why not" she told the guy , and he gave her his second cup

Y/n was hesitant at first but drank it non the less , she wanted to feel free , more free than she already felt , " than-" y/n was cut off when she was pulled away from the crowd

" jj what the hell man " y/n told jj , who was now looking at y/n in anger

" what the hell' seriously ! Stop " jj said " stop what ?.. I'm having funnnn! C'mon let's go back" y/n said but got cut off when she was slammed into a near by tree . Jjs face inches away from hers

" yooo! Jj what's going on " John b asked with the other pogues trailing behind

" y/n likes to fuck around , that's what's going on!" jj exclaimed tightening his grip on her wrist

" what!? Are you talking about that guy that gave me a drink!?" Y/n asked in disbelief , while yanking her wrists away from jj and moving from the tree

" yes him ! What were you gonna do now ? Huh? Smoke weed then fuck him , cause apparently that's all you like to do is smoke weed , I Myself don't even smoke as much as you do" jj yelled in her face , She was angry , She wasn't going to cry over him . SHES A BAD BITCH

" wow ... " y/n said through gritted teeth , the pogues just looked down at the ground besides Sarah who was ready to pounce on jj any second .

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