' you have a big mouth '

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A/n:Decided to use a pic of the one and only mr.hotstuff ⚠️ drug usage ⚠️

Song - Animal by sir Chloe

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Song - Animal by sir Chloe

Today we had school , unfortunately, buut it is always fun when me and the boys have some classes together

We misbehave waay to much , but that's the fun part about it

Right now I'm at my locker putting these useless textbooks my science teacher gave us , I don't really pay attention in English and that's where I'm headed now

I swung my f/c book bag on my back and headed for the stairs because that stupid class is upstairs

" yo! Y/n wait up" I heard John b call from behind me , I turned and saw him and jj running towards me

" now , you can't go to mrs.Barton's Class without us" jj said while swinging his arm over my shoulder

" of course I couldn't were the 'trouble trio' as the bitch herself likes to call us" I told them , taking jj's arm off me so I could walk up the stairs in front of them

" I wouldn't call her a bitch , she's a mix with ' miss kill joy' and ' miss Chitchat' " John B said making me and jj laugh

" she's kind of hot for a teacher" jj continued
" if she would consider to get rid of those wrinkles I would consider hitting that" which in return made me gag and a ' your messed up' from jb

We finally got to her room 204

" damn , guys she started the lesson , we are like 5 minutes late" John said

" so, let her bitch and moan" I told them both while opening the door

" well looks like the trouble trio is 7 minutes late yet again , take your seats" she told us with her annoying voice

" um actually the 'trouble trio' is 5 minutes late and gladly" I mocked her and sent her a sarcastic smile , walking to our seats in the very back

I sit with one of my friends his name is MacIntosh but we call him Mac

" hey Mac , move your stinky feet off my chair" i told him setting my bag on the floor and sitting

The boys sit right in front of us

" okay so for today , you will be taking a test" groans from almost everyone were heard

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