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               "DON'T YOU EVER STOP talking?" John complained to the blonde of whom was sat before him, and she pulled a face in an automatic childish response.

It was only the Shelby's — and Felicity, of course — who occupied the once—bustling pub at this very moment, although just why Tommy had asked Harry to close the Garrison for the night was beyond her. She hadn't the slightest idea, yet from the startling expression of self—pride that had taken hold of his features, she guessed that for once it might be in celebration for something rather than to warn the clansmen of another feud between families.

"I've hardly said a word," Felicity retorted back as she lazily swirled her glass bottle and watched as its contents sloshed about inside.

"Well, you've said more than anyone else," the man huffed. "And that's too much."

"If it bothers you so much, leave!" She argued, nodding her head over towards the door.

"He'll do no such thing." Tommy leaned back against his chair as he watched the petty, sibling―like retaliation that had been firing between his brother and the blonde for the past five minutes.

Felicity turned to him. "He might as well, because you've refused to tell us just why we're all here," she almost whined, causing John to roll his eyes and for Tommy to try and repress his own amusement.

"None of you are particularly patient, are you?" He noted with a sigh of disappointment that was only partly serious.

"Not when I have to go and do things, no," John said, tipping his head back so to get out the last of his beer.

"Stop lying, John ― we all know you don't do shit."

The man scowled and kicked out under the table at Felicity. "You're a bitch."

"No more than you are, John―Boy," she retaliated half―heartedly.

From the head of the table, Polly glared at the pair of squabbling grown―ups before turning her weary expression towards Tommy. "This had better be worth it," she said with a sigh.

Before he could respond, the door was pushed open, revealing a tentative Ada as well as Freddie Thorne, who had in his arms Karl. A grin plastered itself upon Felicity's features the moment she caught sight of her friend ― whom she had greatly missed for the few weeks that she and her husband had left the city and escaped to London.

"Ada!" Felicity exclaimed with an excited screech, jumping up from her seat and rushing forward to hug the brunette. "Ada baby, I've fucking missed you!"

She laughed as the girl's arms were flung around her neck. "It's only been a couple of weeks!"

Felicity stepped backwards and slipped back into her seat, so to allow the others to greet her. "You forget," she reminded her pointedly. "That's a couple of weeks with your brothers — one of which tests my patience beyond belief, good God."

"Fair point," Ada chuckled as she untangled herself from Arthur's hug and returned to the side of husband.

Felicity couldn't ignore the faint hint of hostility that radiated between him and the rest of the Shelby siblings ― one that she hoped they were attempting to push through and look past, if not for the sake of Ada, then for the sake of the wide―eyed, eager baby that was taking in the sight of the family before him.

             If there was one thing that Felicity Woods knew, it was that birthdays were cursed.

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