14 0 0

i awoke to the noise of screaming. moving my head i checked the time, 6:45? what the fuck is going on!?
i slipped out of bed and put on a pair of old sweatpants and a small croptop
i descended the stairs if the burrow to be greeted by the fred and george.
i was staying at the burrow for the summer because my mother had recently taken ill, and was good enough friends with molly and arthur that they agreed to let me stay until she was better. i am bestfriends with ron because of all that we have in common, we both love eating, we both support the chudley cannons, we often have arguments at the dinner table with fred and george because they support the ireland team, we always get very defensive over our favourite players but they are kind of fond of the bulgarian team, we can all agree that viktor krum is one of the best young players.
"awoken have we?" fred said
"oh fuck up fred" i said annoyed that one of his pranks scared the shite out of ginny and she started screaming her bollocks off
"you know you love us" george said

"what was that scream for?" ron interrupted
"fred decided to prank ginny..."
"oh for fucks sake fred, mum says your on thin ice, i wouldnt go round pranking the favourite child now would i, and to be honest, its really y/n now."
"i wouldnt blame m-" fred stuttered but ron interrupted again.
"oi calm down ginger boy!" fred said
"your ginger too fred." you said "well ill see you assholes at lunch, im getting a shower."
"can we join?" george exclaimed.
"absolutely not." you replied
i stormed off "Иисус, черт возьми, Христос!"
(jesus fucking christ, i should probably mention that you are russian!)

you had just finished your shower, you walked out of the bathroom and bumped into fred. dropping all of your clothes that were in your hands.
"here, let me help." he said politely and rumbled through the pile and picked up the smallest piece of underwear there with a matching bra. "these yours? holy-" he says astonished
"oi!" you reply annoyed because he was rummaging through your clothes. you snatched them off him
"alright alright! here, wouldnt mind to see that on ;)" he winked and left.
"EW FRED." you yelled but he had disappeared

walking into your room you sat down on your bed. in a bedroom that you shared with ron.
"hey wonwon" you say
"hey hottie. hows it going?" he replies
"fred just lifted up a pair or my pants and said ,"wouldnt mind to see that on." he winked and left."
"oh hell no." he ran out of the room you heard him shout. "HEY YOU SCUMBAG! IM TELLING MUMM!"
i ignored the bustle and got ready into my day clothes. i threw on a pair of baggy jeans and a loose red hoodie with a zip. i looked at myself in the mirror. i brushed my hair and put on abit of makeup. blush, mascara, lipgloss, highlighter, and contour.
"meh, good enough."
i walked down the stairs and everyone was ready for the day.
"morning y/n! can you tell me some more about those muggle devices?" arthur pleaded. he really loved talking about muggles. guess thats why it was his job.
"hi harry." you said awkwardly
"o-oh hey y/n" he looked at you
"calm down harry. godric." ron teased him
"oh sorry-" harry said embarrassed as can be
"its fine." you replied
"what do you want for breakfast y/n? im making bacon, eggs sausages and i have some potato bread in the cupboard!" molly interrupted. while stirring a mug of tea and setting it infront of arthur. "tea?" she asked
"oh, no thank you." you reply to the jolly but sophisticated woman
"suit yourself dear! what would you like again?"
"i- i guess ill have eggs and bacon?" you replied
"ok dearie." molly smiled

five minutes later a huge plate is set infront of you, it had bacon, fried eggs, potato bread, soda bread, toast, a toastie, a small bagel, a breakfast bap, a breakfast wrap and scrambled eggs too.
"w-wow thanks molly." you reply to the meal you were bombarded with.
molly smiles at you widely.
you whisper to ron who was beside you.
"fuck, i cant eat all of this!" you say
"ill eat it." he said while biting into a piece of toast.
"always thought you loved your food y/n" ron asked
"i do, but this is a massive breakfast!" you replied to the question
"mum always makes amazing breakfasts, its my favourite meal of the day actually." ron trailed on about how sunday breakfast was the best because it was the biggest breakfast in the week. 
you finished what you could and gave the rest to ron who was still i stuffing his face with a breakfast bap.
just as you were about to leave the table arthur asked you what was the function of a microwave. you explained to him that it was a muggle device that heated up food for fast dinner , lunch, snacks or breakfast.
fascinated all of the weasleys mouths were agape.
"thats amazing." ginny replied astonished
"hm yea." you said.
"well y/n and me are going to this cafe? im not too sure what it is about but im excited!" ron said enthusiastically.
"its called starbucks." its just a little coffee shop in london. i was going to take him on the train to get there.
"oh! that would be rons first time on the 'muggle train!' wouldnt that be fun!!" molly exclaimed
"yea very." you said sarcastically but molly took no notice of it.
"well you two have fun! be back for dinner?"
"yes mum." ron said
"alright. bye you two!" molly was being very nice.
you and ron left the house. as soon as the door shut ron said "well that was embarrassing, wasnt it?"
"totally, you excited?"
"yea! itll be wicked, i mean. ive been in london before but i havent been on the muggle train before!"
"its not that special, im just excited for the coffee. do you know what you sortof want?" you said, turning the corner and entering a very large street. you and ron had been walking for about 30 minutes now and you were far from the burrow. you saw bus and suggested to ron that "we should get the bus. itll take us into london quick and then you can go on the train if you want."
"alright!" ron was really enthusiastic about a fucking bus. but you didnt care. you loved spending time with him. he understood you, others just didnt get how your brain worked. how you never took anything seriously and you were always getting into trouble for things that ranged from not having homeworks in or yelling at a teacher, flipping them off and running out of the classroom to continue to sit in your dorm the rest of the day and read, or just completely being a dickhead. one time you even locked percy in his dorm and played megan thee stallion outside his room. completely torturing him with the "inappropriate music" it was abit awkward whenever you were staying at the burrow with percy there. he had somehow seemed to have moved on and forgotten if. which was fortunate.

you and ron left the bus and into the very crowded streets of london, pushing past people, trying to keep ron with you amongst all of the bustle of the rush hour in the morning because of others going to work. we entered the starbucks. ron had told me to get him whatever i thought he would like. so i got him a caramel macchiato with extra cream. he loves caramel. and i loved it too.
i ordered myself a black coffee. no milk, one sugar. i didnt really like too much milk in mu coffee. ron wanted to try some. and he spit it out everywhere and yelled "HOW DO YOU DRINK THAT!" with a few dirty looks from the customers of the shop ron piped down.
"shh ron!" you replied to the astounded boy.
"so are you excited for next week?" ron asked
we were going back to school. somehow, something always happened and that school, there was never a dull moment. especially with you around.
"meh." i said
"i was wondering if you could teach me abit of russian and it can b-" ron pleaded
"absolutely not." i said.
"why not?" he replied
"you are a terrible learner, and besides. russian is fucking hard." i declared
"well i guess your right. at least teach me curses so i can shout them at fred or george?"
"fine. сука is bitch. отвали is fuck off and ты чертовски тупой, means are you fucking dumb. (keep in mind i probably wont be getting these right.)

time passed immensely fast and soon enough you were back at the burrow. tired after a long day of shopping and walking around london.

you lay your head down on your pillow and drifted off asleep.


hi guys!! sorry it took so long to get the first chapter done. im trying to work on my other book. unknowing! go check that out and i will update it soon! this was quite a long chapter but i am happy with how it turned out!! im sorry there was no spicy stuff in it but there will be soon!!

thanks for the support!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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