Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

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"Y/N? Wake up, we're here,"

Here? Oh, right. New house. I felt a draft of cold air enter the car as my mum opened the door to get out, peering out the window I saw it had snowed recently, the whole house dusted in white. Sitting up to stretch out my arms I hopped out the car, heading up to the door to look around inside. It was much smaller than our last house, but I guess that was to be expected given it was only us now.
Only us, huh. I guess it hasn't fully sunk in yet, it feels weird without...- You know what, I don't want to think about him right now. It's not worth it.

Wandering around the place I found the room that was going to be mine, the bed looked comfortable but it was very sparse otherwise. A small set of drawers and a full length mirror was on the other side of the room, the rest of it being empty space right now.
"Hey Y/N, could you come help unpack our stuff? I could do with a second pair of hands," my mum poked her head around the door, giving me a small smile as I turned to follow her out. As I was bringing in my minimal belongings I could've sworn I saw someone in the woods to the side of the house... But when I looked back there was nobody there. It's probably just the light playing tricks on me, I was asleep for quite a while after all...

It took us about 30 minutes, but eventually we had everything inside and began setting it out around the place. Taking out my phone from my pocket I realised it must have died while we were travelling, as a blinking battery icon appeared on the screen before it shut off again. Great. I suppose it doesn't matter too much, not like there's anyone trying to reach me anyway.

Laying onto my new bed I just stared at the ceiling for a while, tomorrow I'll have to go introduce myself to my new classmates which I'm not particularly excited about... Though maybe it won't be so bad. Who knows, if I get lucky maybe someone will be nice and I could make a friend? Unlikely, but maybe. Here I'm a stranger so at least I've got that going for me, and for once I won't have the lingering smell of liquor on my clothes. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door.
"Hey hun, why don't we go for a walk into town? It could do us both some good to get some fresh air and we can get to know where everything is,"
I suppose she's right, we have been in that car most of the day and it would be a good plan to get an idea of the area before tomorrow.
"Yeah, alright," I responded, reluctantly sliding off my bed to pull my coat on.

Walking out into the crisp snow we headed off down the road, we're near the outskirts of the town and apparently up the hill behind us there's this old ski lodge which has been long since abandoned. I wonder if anyone still goes up there? Probably not. As we approached the main town centre we started to see some more people milling around, carrying various bags of shopping. Taking in a deep breath I noticed how clear the air smelled, nothing like the smog of the city we came from. Maybe I will start to like it here.

Ambling around various stores, we picked up some supplies for the coming week before heading back to the house. Once again as we approached, I swear I saw someone standing in the trees but they vanished before I could make out any details... That's really odd... My curiosity was eating at me, but I knew I'd never be allowed to walk out there by myself. At least not yet.

As we unpacked our stash I heard a loud grumble emenate from my stomach. Somehow I'd totally missed my hunger starting to form and my mum chuckled a little at the noise.
"I'll get to work on dinner in a moment, you can head off to your room and keep yourself occupied if you'd like." I nodded and kicked off my boots, hanging up my coat and collapsing back onto my bed with a sigh. My phone had been charging for a little while now so it should have enough energy to watch some videos or something, I brought it up from the table and flicked through my recommended page with little luck.

Eventually I found something that looked interesting and queued it up, it was one of those true crime style shows that were always fascinating to me. Just as it was reaching the reveal I heard plates being set on the table and my name being called. The distinct smell of spaghetti wafted through the house and I hurriedly scampered to the table, digging in without hesitation. I wonder if she made my favourite on purpose? Either way I didn't care much, it was delicious. She suggested I get an early night so I have enough energy for tomorrow, and she's probably right. It's approaching 9 so it's not too early to be getting into bed.

Heading back to my room I dug through my clothing to find something to change into, pulling my curtains shut and throwing off my worn hoodie and jeans. Standing in front of the mirror I stared for a moment, tracing my fingers over the scars across my stomach and hips and briefly being transported back to the cause of each one. Forcing myself to snap out of it, I got into my nightwear and crawled into bed, staring mindlessly at the ceiling for a while.

I hope tomorrow won't be so bad...

[18+] Instinct ~ DBD Legion (Frank) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now