CANON EXTRA: Tum & Tar adopt a child

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In case you missed my announcement, I am closing down my Patreon page for the time being. For this reason, I'm uploading all my extras to Wattpad. Enjoy!

This extra is CANON (meaning it does actually happen). It takes place between IOTH and RTH.


*Tar's POV*

"Thank you so much for watching Tin tonight," Champ grins as he hands me a duffle bag. "Normally, I would have asked Tharn and Type, but they've been swamped with Alpha duties lately, and they already have Can to watch after."

"It's my pleasure," I tell him honestly. "I might not have any experience with pups, but I love kids."

"Keep in mind that Tin is also half-witch," Champ warns. "He's still young, so his powers only come out when he's upset. If you can get him calm, his powers will retreat."

"Good to know," I laugh nervously. A witch? I've been around plenty of wolves now, but this will be my first time around a witch.

"Thank you again," Champ says as he heads towards the door. "Team and I really appreciate this. We love our son dearly, but we'd really like a night to ourselves for our anniversary."

"Say no more!" I wave him away. "Go enjoy your evening with your husband."

Champ waves goodbye as he heads out to his car. Shutting the door, I turn around and face Tin. The five-year-old is sitting on the couch, hands in his lap as he stares at me with a bored expression. I offer him a weak smile, already feeling awkward.

"Hey, Tin," I try to keep my voice upbeat and calm. Don't upset him, don't upset him. "What do you like to do for fun?"

Tin shrugs without responding. Biting my lower lip, I decide to pull out my art supplies.

"Do you want to try finger painting?" I ask him. "Art is one of my favorite things."

"I don't like messes," he responds plainly. I nod slowly, then run into my room to grab my paintbrushes.

"Here," I hold a brush out to him. "You won't get the paint on your fingers if you use a brush."

Sighing, Tin slides off the couch and grabs the brush. How can such a young child be so picky? Either way, I'm just glad that I found something he wants to do.

As we paint, I notice Tin keeps his strokes slow and purposeful, being careful to not make a mess. Shaking my head, I turn back to my own canvas on focus on my work. I get lost in my painting, letting my mind wander with the colors and swirls that form my abstract artwork. The painting is supposed to represent how happy I've been ever since I moved in with Tum. Even if others can't tell what it means, I know in my heart the true meaning behind it.

Pulling out of my daydream, I turn my head and notice Tin staring at my painting intensely. I smile at him and tilt my head.

"Do you like it?" I ask softly, and Tin turns bright red.

"I guess," he mumbles. He lifts his brush to continue painting, but accidentally knocks over a cup of paint. "Oh no!"

"It's okay!" I quickly assure him. "It's just a little paint. We can clean it up."

"Forget it! I hate this!" Tin shouts, the furniture in the living room beginning to wobble. My eyes widen as Tin's powers start to unleash, affecting his surroundings.

"Tin, it's okay," I tell him gently. "It's just paint. It's not a big deal."

"Why can't I do anything right?" He sniffles angrily. "This is why my birth parents didn't want me, and why my dads left me here with you! No one wants me!"

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