Extra #2 🌙

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Tum & Tar

[A/N - these events take place before chapter 25. POV will change partway through]


*Tum's POV*

I stare at my reflection, nervously attempting to style my white-blonde hair. Tonight is my first official date with Tar. I told him I wanted to hold off on furthering our relationship until he turned 18, which happened to be last weekend. He spent the day with his family, although he seemed really torn up about not spending it with me.

As a human, Tar doesn't feel the bond as strongly as I do, but I don't doubt that he feels the effects to an extent. He's grown needier; clingier. Anytime we can't spend time together, he apologizes profusely with sad puppy eyes. It's pretty cute, actually, that he wants to me around me that much.

Going on a date with my adorable mate has me on pins and needles as I try to perfect my appearance for tonight. An itching sensation keeps rising up, but I pass it off as nerves. My fingers brush through the white-blonde strands of my hair, frustrating me that they won't lay down flat.

Goddess, what's wrong with me? I usually don't give a shit about stuff like this, but I can't help it. Tar makes me want to be better.

I'm still amazed by how well he has been handling all the information I've thrown at him. I completely expected Tar to be freaked out over me being a werewolf, but he accepted it easily. Even when I dove into the deeper information, Tar didn't flinch away.

| Flashback |

"So.... are there a lot of guys mated to each other?" Tar asked as we ate lunch at his house. I wanted to take him back to my home, but I wasn't sure if he was ready to see the pack yet.

"I wouldn't say a lot... but it's not rare," I answered him. "Although, it seems like a lot of the guys around me are mated to another guy. I'm not sure what that's about."

"Maybe there's something in the drinking water," Tar grinned. "Turning all the hot men gay."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You think I'm hot?"

His cheeks burned bright red as he smacked my arm. "I wasn't only talking about you! Besides... you already know how I feel about you..."

I smiled at that and leaned over to kiss the top of his head.

"What happens if two wolves don't mate? Not rejecting each other, but also not marking each other," Tar carried on his questions.

"Hmm... I suppose the urge to mate would continue to grow stronger and stronger until they couldn't resist anymore," I pondered aloud. "Especially if they keep hitting their heats."

"Heat?" Tar echoed, tilting his head to the side. "What's that?"

I didn't want to scare him off, but I also knew I couldn't lie to him. If he wanted to know more about wolves, then I had to answer all of his questions.

"Heat is a phenomenon where wolves become more... encouraged to mate," I delicately explained. "It's something our Moon Goddess created to make sure we don't put off mating for too long."

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