-21- 🌑 Hellish

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[A/N - Thanks for your kind words these past few days. It meant the world to me 🖤 Now, buckle the fuck up because things are about to get FLIPPED!!]

"It's not your fault that they hover, I mean no disrespect. It's my right to be hellish. I still get jealous."
~Nick Jonas, 'Jealous'


*Type's POV*

"I said," I growl deeply. "Get the fuck away from my mate."

The idiot blinks dumbly, staring at me like I just spoke in Greek. To make matters worse, his hand is still on my boyfriend's shoulder. Still touching what is mine. I know that people are staring, including our friends, but I honestly don't give a fuck right now. All I can think about is how satisfying it would be to toss this guy out the window, but I don't want to piss Jeed off by damaging her bar.

So instead, I simply glare at the dumbfounded guy in front of me, taking a step closer to him. "Are you deaf? Do you not understand Thai? Take your hands off of my boyfriend while I'm still asking nicely."

Tharn can't hold back his grin when I call him my boyfriend. He purses his lips in a feeble attempt, but his joy still radiates through. The pure feeling of my mate's happiness pouring through our bond is almost enough to calm my temper.


The stranger bursts out laughing, making my blood boil to new heights. My eyes burn, and I have to physically force myself to stay calm so my eyes don't glow from anger. "Chill out, man," he chuckles. "He's an adult. He can make his own choices. You don't own him."

I flash him a deadly smirk with my canines slightly elongated, which instantly silences his condescending laughter. "As a matter of fact..." I say lowly, grabbing the collar of Tharn's shirt, "I do."

I yank Tharn's collar down, exposing my mark imprinted on his shoulder. Gasps come from Team and Champ — who, up until this moment, had no clue Tharn and I are mates — while Techno and Thorn sit in a surprised silence that I would choose this moment to reveal Tharn as my mate. The man squints, observing the mark before disgust crosses his face.

"Did you do that to him?" He demands. "That's abusive and fucked up. You can't just brand someone and scar them so that everyone knows they're taken. I should report you to the police."

I roll my eyes. Typical human. Doesn't understand the sanctity of marking your mate. Humans can't even begin to fathom the indescribably deep connection that wolves form with their mates. My heart is forever connected to Tharn's. I can feel everything he feels. All his happiness. All his pain. Every emotion he carries is clearly communicated to me without the need for words. Including the excitement Tharn is feeling over watching me stake my claim over him.

"Oh, don't worry," I smirk darkly. "He did it to me, too. See?" I pull down my own collar, giving the man a nice view of Tharn's mark on my shoulder. I can feel Team and Champ burning holes into me with their shocked gazes; eyes bulging out of their sockets. "Now that we've cleared that up, get the fuck away from my boyfriend."

"You guys are fucking crazy," the human stammers, backing away from us as I continue to stare him down. I don't stop murdering him with my eyes until he's out of the bar, completely out of sight.

"Type," Tharn tugs on my sleeve. "Calm down now. Nothing happened. He just offered to buy me a drink, but I turned him down. There's nothing to get upset about."

A low growl escapes me, and I grab Tharn's wrist and yank him off his chair, pulling him behind me. I know the guys have plenty of questions, but I'll deal with them later. Right now, I have a man that seems to have forgotten how possessive I am of what's mine.

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