The Big Mistake

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  *Josh P.O.V*

I had just walked out of where I work. (I don't remember putting it in the story but if you guys know if I did tell me.) I had promised Halie that I would pick up the Notebook after work. I was planning to kiss her tonight but nothing more. I walked into the video store and walked around until I finally saw The Notebook. I picked it up and walked to the counter of the video store. The check out person was a young women. She was like in her twenties. She was kinda flirting with me at the counter. I looked her over.

        "Hey lady, I am sorry to tell you this but I'm only 15." I said.

      "Age difference doesn't matter." She said. She tried grabbing me but I backed up before she could even touch me.

      "Nice try." I yelled. I walked out of the video store and hurried towards my car. It was for no reason. I had already given the money to the crazy women. I opened the car door and hopped in. I started the engine and it roared to life. I squealed my tires and drove out of the parking lot. I was driving down my street and found my driveway and turned into the drive. I could see that the living room light was still on and assumed that Halie was still awake. I cut the engine and thought of how I would get her to kiss me. When I finally couldn't think of anything I just decided to get out of the car and go inside. I opened the door to find that Halie was on the couch in her beautiful pj's and she was reading a book. I held up the bag.

      "I got the Notebook." I said. She started squealing. I just loved how she does that.

     "Finally, I have been waiting and I even got some popcorn cooking." She said.

      "Wow. Hey I'm going to go change into some sweats and a t-shirt and be back to put the movie in to watch." I said. I pulled off my jacket and placed it on the coat rack and stepped out of my shoes and walked to my room. Before I closed my door.

        "Okay, I'll wait a little longer." She said. I chuckled and walked to my closet. I opened it and picked a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. They looked like this. (Hey guys sorry if the pants look a little gay.) I grabbed a pair of skeleton sweats and a red hoodie and some shoes. I know I like wearing shoes at night. I walked out and instantly got a big ole' burst of popcorn smell in the air and thought that Halie said she was making popcorn. I walked into the kitchen and saw that Halie was fumbling with the bag of popcorn and I walked over.

     "Need help?" I asked.

       "Yeah sure I guess. That dang thing is hard to open." She said.

     "Yeah. Here you go." I said. I handed her the open bag of popcorn.

       "I'm going to go put the Notebook in the DVD player and gonna get it to the menu." I said.

      "Okay, I will be in there in a minute with the popcorn." She said. I grabbed the DVD remote and had to fast-forward it to the menu. Halie walked in with a big bowl of popcorn and sat down on the couch. I got to the menu and I got up from the sitting position that I was in. I was just sitting on the floor. I hopped on the couch right next to Halie and pressed play. I dug my hand in the popcorn and grabbed a handful. I dropped some on Halie's lap and she screamed playfully. I loved it. It was cute. She started throwing popcorn towards me. I laughed and grabbed some popcorn and threw some at her. It was really fun. I got a little caught up in the fun and fell on top of her and kissed her softly on the lips. She seemed a little shocked about it. But after a couple of seconds she started kissing me. I started moving my hands up and down her sides while her hands were moving along my neck and into my hair. We were doing that for at least a couple of minutes. I broke the kiss because I was breathless and when I pulled away we were both breathing really hard.

     "Why did you do that?" She asked. I got up from where we were and watched as she sat up from lying on the couch.

      "I kissed you because I don't know how to stay away from you. I need you." I said as soon as she was sitting up. She just stared at me. I looked in her eyes for something, something that could tell me that she felt the same.

                                *Halie's P.O.V*

I started throwing popcorn at him because he dropped some on my favorite short. So to be fair I threw the popcorn he dropped on me. He started throwing it at me. I started screaming because it was really fun. All of a sudden he fell on top of me and started kissing me. Honestly I didn't know what to do. But after I thought through what was happening I finally realized that I wanted to kiss him for some time. I started kissing him and we just kept kissing each other for awhile. It was about halfway through the movie that we finally stopped. He broke the kiss first and I couldn't breathe any more.

      "Why did you do that?" I said breathelesly. He started getting up from laying on top of me and sat down. I sat up.

         "Halie, I don't care if you are my sister or not. I am in love with you. It will never change because you are the most beautiful girl around." He said. I felt his eyes staring in mine. I couldn't believe what he just said. I felt the same way about him.

     "Josh, I feel the same way about you. I want you forever, but, we can't be together because it is not right. You are my brother." I said.

       "I know that. But still please just be with me. We can even be secret. All I know is I need you." He said.

     "Okay but as long as you kiss me again." He said. He leaned forward and kissed me softly. He pulled away.

     "Lets clean this up and then go to bed." I said. I got up from the couch and started cleaning up the popcorn. Josh got up and started picking up too. He put all the popcorn in the bowl.

    "Just throw it in the trash." I said. He grabbed the bowl and dumped it in the trash can. I grabbed the remote and pressed the off button and turned of the T.V. I threw the remote on the couch. Josh came back from the kitchen.

     "What? Were not watching the rest of the movie?" He asked.

        "No I'm really tired." I said.

      "Can I kiss you goodnight?" He asked. I didn't answer but the way I answered was I walked towards him and kissed him. I didn't want to let go of him ever. I broke away.

    "Goodnight Josh. See you in the morning." I said sweetly.

    "Goodnight see you in the morning." He said. He walked to his room and I walked to mine. I lifted up the blanket and hopped in. I couldn't believe what just happened. Josh and I were now together and I loved it. After thinking of what just happened a couple of hours ago I finally went to sleep thinking about what would happen in the morning.

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