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             The next morning, Laura woke up with a joyful heart. She smiled from ear to ear. Starting today, she and Taylor will go to the filming set together. No more Jayden early in the morning because sometimes she will fetch Taylor and sent her to the filming set, making rumours spreading among the crew members and casts. The worst part was everybody telling Taylor how lucky she was to have such a perfect girlfriend. Of course, Taylor denied having a relationship with Jayden, but everyone knew that billionaire was head over heels in love with her. Laura hated how those people telling Taylor that she should accept Jayden as her plus one. Now, by going together to the set, Laura hoped the talks will quickly disappeared.

"Good morning Tay." She greeted her wife cheerfully. Taylor looked at Laura in amazement, seeing Laura's mood was different from the previous days. What's gotten into her? That wife of hers was busy preparing breakfast and Taylor noted that sometimes the raven-haired woman was whistling happily. That's totally out of character of her.

"Okay. All set. You may sit." Laura smiled. Gorgeous! Stunning! Beautiful!

"No, thanks. I will have breakfast at the filming set." Taylor refused.

"Tay...please." The happy light in Laura's eyes dimmed. Taylor sighed and finally pulled the chair and sit. Laura put a plate of omelette and pancake as well as a glass of coffee in front of the blonde woman.

"Thank you." Taylor said. For the first time after two months, the two women had a breakfast together. They ate silently but it was enough for Laura. She missed this, having a peaceful time together with her wife.

After they done eating, Taylor volunteered to do the dishes, however Laura offered to help her even though there was nothing much to clean and the black-haired woman purposely standing very close to the blonde lady making their body touching each other, and for a number of time Laura held Taylor's hand when their hands were inside the sink filled with soapy water. Taylor was annoyed but she cannot do anything about it.

Even after they were on their way to the filming set, Laura seemed unable to stop from touching her wife. While driving she rubbed Taylor's hand and there were times when her hand would move to her wife's thigh making Taylor shifted uncomfortably. What kind of spirit possessed Laura to behaving like this? Taylor scowled. Laura noticed but choose to ignore it. 

"Will you stop touching me already?" Taylor tried to push Laura's hand away.

"No. I can't." Laura's hand landed on Taylor's thigh once again, but this time it was too close to her core. Taylor held her breath. This is bad. Really, really bad.

"Laura, please." Taylor sounded not convincing enough. She hasn't had sex for a long time. To be exact it had been nine months long, so even a small touch like this has made her aroused. If someone else touched her, of course she would not be aroused at all, but this is Laura fucking Prepon... her gorgeous wife. How funny, Taylor thought. She has a wife but remains in a state of sexual dryness.

"Please what babe?" Laura chuckled. She loved to see Taylor's face flushed. She's adorable.

"I mean it, Laura. Stopped it."

"Okay. But seriously when are you going to call me Al again? I don't like it when you call me Laura."

"That's good enough compare to Prepon, don't you think?"

"Prepon? That's our name. If you call me that, you are calling yourself too, don't you think?" Laura replied mockingly. Taylor bit her lips to prevent herself from arguing with Laura. Fighting on the way to the filming set was not a wise move. They need to be in good term so that their work today can be done perfectly. Laura, realising the effort her wife was doing couldn't help herself from feeling proud of Taylor. That shorter woman always doing her very best when it comes to her work. One of the quality needed to be a successful actress. That's why that wife of hers was one of the Hollywood best actress.

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