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Jayden smiled looking at the diamond ring she bought yesterday. It costs her quiet a big fortune, but nothing she would not ever done for Taylor Jane Schilling. Even though Taylor haven't accepted her as her girlfriend, but she plans to propose to her next week, knowing that the filming of the OITNB come to an end. She doesn't want to be late, not even one minute, to make Taylor as hers.

"Ms. Knight, Ms. Schilling is here." The voice of her secretary through the intercom startled Jayden.

"Okay, send her in." Jayden answered. She quickly opened his desk drawer and put the ring inside.

"Hi Jay." Taylor greeted her happily.

"Hi Tay."

"Wow, this is very unusual. We are having lunch in your office. Never been before." Taylor laughed.

"Sorry Tay. I am very busy at the moment. However, I wanted to have lunch with you, that's why I asked my driver to fetch you and bring you here to have lunch with me. I am sorry if you don't like it."

"Nah, it's okay. After all I had the opportunity to see this very successful company of yours and...." Taylor paused.

"And..." Jayden lifted her eyebrows.

"Well, I never been in the office of someone who worth 7 billion dollar. This is a new experience." Taylor grinned. Jayden laughed.

"Come, have a sit." Jayden pointed to the expensive couch in front of Taylor and the blondie gladly obeyed.

"Alright, what do you want for lunch, Tay? Chinese takeout, is it ok for you?"

"Sound okay for me." Taylor smiled. Jayden pushed the intercom button and asked her secretary to order the lunch for her and Taylor.

"We have to wait for 15 minutes for the lunch and in the meantime, do you want to drink anything?"

"What kind of drink you have?"

"I have pretty much of everything." Jayden smirked.

"That's a good thing about being a billionaire huh?"

"I guess so. So, what do you want?"

"The most expensive red wine that you have." Taylor joked.


"W-wait. That's a joke. Do you really have it?"

"Tay, I said, granted. That's mean I have it." Jayden laughed.

"It was a joke Jay. Really."

"No. I insisted. Come follow me."

"To where?"

"Here."Jayden pushed one big door at the right corner of the office. Taylor stands up and followed her inside.

"Wow, you... you have a 'house' attached to your office?"

"As I told you before, I always sleep in my office and that's mean I am sleeping in here."

"Now this... make a sense." Taylor looked around. There are bedroom, small kitchen, living room and a mini bar. The space is quiet big.

"As you said, the privilege of being billionaire. Let's sit at the bar and I will serve you the most expensive red wine that I have." Jayden chuckled.

Taylor laughed and followed the billionaire to the mini bar. I can used to this if I become the billionaire's girlfriend. She thought.

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