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"We better hurry, they are waiting for us." Said Taylor.

"Let me kiss you first." Laura came a step closer to her wife. 

"Are you out of your mind? We are in public area." Taylor hissed.

"So what? This is your fault looking gorgeous like this, making me insane." Laura chuckled seeing Taylor's annoyed face. She is so cute.

"No! Al, we need to join the other casts now." Taylor stressed. However, it seemed that Laura didn't hear any word of it. She lowered her head until her breath breezed across Taylor's cheek. Taylor's nerves prickled, as if she could feel that moist heat tickling against every inch of her flesh. Laura smiled and moved to touch Taylor's lips, but her wife clenched her jaw closed before she had a chance to sweep her tongue inside her mouth. Laura smile widened, she found Taylor's behaviour indeed amusing.

Alright! Two can play the game. Laura leaned even closer and then glided her open mouth just above Taylor's flushed cheek, her breath steaming against the curve of her cheekbone, the dip below her earlobe, and to the length of her exposed neck. Taylor traitorous body shivered in anticipation. As the warm air from Laura's lips traced the same heated path across the other side of her upturned face, she let out a slow, shuddering breath.

Finally, Laura mouth returned to its original position, a mere fingers breadth from hers. Taylor's lips parted involuntarily, hoping that Laura understand the sign of her wanting to be kissed. Victory flashed in Laura's eyes. Her mouth formed a rakish grin. However, still she didn't place her lips where Taylor wanted it to be. Taylor blushed at the sudden, frustrated moan she hadn't meant to make. Laura had won. She knew it but still she didn't kiss Taylor.

"Please." Oh! Taylor was begging now. She was desperate. It had been a week since she consistently avoiding Laura's kisses and now, she was dying to be touched by her wife. She had been avoiding Laura because she was angry to her. Angry because Laura told Natasha and Yael about their marriage. Laura said she didn't do it on purpose, it just accidently slipped away from her mouth. What a jerk. 

"Please what babe? Please go away?" Laura played dumb.

"N-no. Please kiss me."

"We are in public area." Laura quoted what Taylor had said before.

"I know that. Just fucking kiss me now." Taylor closing any remaining gap between them. With a growl, Laura's mouth was upon Taylor's. Hot. Wet. Insistent. Her mouth moved against hers, recklessly, desperately. She devoured her in hungry kisses, suckling her tongue, her lower lip, seizing her every breath and replacing it with hers. Laura's hands are on the back of Taylor's head, holding her in place. Oh, this is good. So damned good! Taylor kissed her wife back eagerly. She tugged Laura's lips a bit rough and harder but nonetheless Laura likes it.

"Hey, not lesbian!" Natasha's voiced startled the couple making them abruptly stop their kisses and pushed each other away. Both Laura and Taylor were panting. They looked at Natasha and exhaled in relief. Thank God it's not the reporters or the fans or even worst the paparazzi.

"Wow! That's hot." Natasha chuckled.

"Tasha." Laura grumbled. Annoyed because that fucking friend of them disturbing her perfect moment with Taylor.

"Sorry... but Pre, I need to discuss something very important to you. Can I borrow your wife for a while Tay?" Natasha turned her face to Taylor.

"Sure. Uhm... I go inside first." Taylor smiled and walked away but not before Laura pecked her lips one more time.

"Why must you disturb our kissing moment? Do you know its been a week she didn't let me kiss her? and just now I had the chance, but you ruin it. I hope this thing you wanted to talk about is worthy for that loss of an opportunity." Laura did not bother to hide her frustrated feeling.

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