«A drunk Lan Wangji, is fun and adorable! »

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"Why are you giving me a chicken?"

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"Why are you giving me a chicken?"

-wei ying

Warning: a very adorable lan wangji. Grab your inhalers with you if you want to continue reading (^^)

Wei Ying shouldn't have done it. He definitely shouldn't have pulled a stunt like this just when Lan qiren had started warming up to him. The younger man jumped around Jingshi in panic and let out a wail when he saw his dearest husband wake up from his alcohol driven slumber.

Wei Ying panicked, well panicking was in his nature, "Ah~! You are finally awake!", Wei Ying exclaimed and pulled his very silent and calm husband into a hug. Never once in his life had Lan wangji been this dead silent whilst receiving a hug.

The younger man felt his eyebrows furrow in confusion when he felt a gently graze over his long and messy hair. Lan wangji wouldn't do something like this!

Wei Ying pulled away from the hug and looked at Lan wangji's features to take a note of what was going on with his husband. His cheeks were flushed red and his thin lips were slightly parted into something which wei ying didn't know his husband was capable of.

His husband was smiling!

"I love you~", Lan Zhan sang and finished his small confession with a soul wrecking giggle. Wei Ying gasped and cluctched onto his chest. Mo xuanyu must have a really weak heart, that was probably why his heart was racing against time.

Wei Ying a little later smiled coyly, "Ofcourse you love me, I married you.", It was Lan wangji who gasped like a child this time. Wei ying's never ending giggles came to a stop when he saw the serious look on his husband's face.

"Married?", He asked taking wei ying's hands to press it against his warm chest, wei ying fell forward towards Lan zhan's chest and nodded to answer his question.

"You see this husband, we married almost sixteen years ago in that cold pond. But, we were just two halves of a whole idiot back then.", Wei Ying joked pressing his head closer to lan zhan's chest to hear his Heartbeats which started going haywire the second he went closer to his chest.

"Oh~", A melody like word left his lips, it was more of a slur. But, whatever came out of Lan wangji's lips were like a melody to his ears.

He purred in content when Lan zhan pressed his body close to his chest rather then pushing him away. His eyes remained like a child's eyes filled with curiosity. It was like a ocean of molten gold and big doe eyes with a sprinkle of happiness and an unknown shine.

"Twas sad without you.", Lan Zhan spoke with a pout on his face. Wei Ying felt his heart race once again when he saw how innocent his husband looked. Just how in the world did the man gather the guts to kiss him during the archery competition all those years ago.

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