Part Two

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I woke up to see bright sunlight flooding through my shades from my window. I looked at my clock. It was only 7:30. I sat up and stretched while remembering all of the events from last night.

I remembered every little detail of the game. Especially the final touchdown, the one that I scored. I loved the feeling of getting a touchdown. It always made me feel like a rush of adrenaline was running through me. I liked feeling that 'high' of power, of respect, of a football game.

I walked lazily over to my phone and picked it up. I started texting mine and Ethan's mutual friends. I didn't get any immediate replies so I figured they were all still sleeping. I decided to text Ethan to see if he was awake or not.

Hey bro, what's up?

I decided to check my email. There was a bunch of junk mail and then there was an email from my closest girl friend, Elli.

hey girl, whats up? how you been? its been forever, we should hang out soon. talk soon, love ya girl


hey Elli, i've missed you a lot, if you can, you should see if you can come over tomorrow around seven, Ethan and some other people are gonna be here. let me know, ok? just call me at 659-9908, love you too girl


I sent the email and then logged off and turned off my computer so I wouldn't waste the battery.

I finally got a reply from Ethan.

Hey shmexy. ;) Lol what's up? I just woke up. :o

I texted back with a huge smiley face and said 'Aww why thank you not shmexy person! ;) Lol jk. I'm just waiting for people to talk to me. :/'

After I sent the text, I looked around my room and saw it was a huge mess, so I decided to clean it. I continued to text Ethan while cleaning it. It took about an hour and a half but it got done and it looked really nice when it was done. I immediately got really bored again, so I decided to read. That was my favorite thing to do, besides play football and hang out with friends.

I walked over to my bookshelf and pulled out my favorite book, Hush, Hush. I finished reading from the spot I had left off on and then I even re-read the entire book before anyone else was awake. I enjoyed reading, but I was getting somewhat lonely.

I got texts back from everyone around 9:30. Luke, his sister Lisa, and Joey all said they could come. The only ones who couldn't were Alex and Jio because they were both out with the flu. I wished them the best and a 'Get well soon!'

Around 10, Benjamin, or Ben for short, woke up and came to my room. He sat on my bed without a word for a few moments before I finally broke the silence.

"You hungry? Want some breakfast?" I asked politely.

He looked at me and then down at his stomach and back at me and nodded his head.

I laughed and got up off my bed. He got up, too, and we walked downstairs to the kitchen. He went into the living room after a few minutes of watching me attempt to cook french toast. Immediately I heard the T.V. turn on. He was watching Spongebob Squarepants.

I made breakfast for us both while he was watching t.v. and then I brought his breakfast into the living room and we ate in the living room while watching Spongebob.

They were all re-runs but they were great. Spongebob was my all time favorite cartoon which made it even funner to watch.

We continued watching the cartoons until about 11:30 when we were both hungry again. I darted to the kitchen to scavenge more food. My dad walked in and laughed before offering to cook.

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