Part Eight

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  • Dedicated to ALL OF MY READERS <3

I woke up and looked at the clock. It said 9:00 AM. I stretched, got dressed, and went to my parents' bedroom to check on Tamera. She was still unconscious. I sat with her for a few hours. I watched her to make sure nothing happened to her even though I was pretty sure nothing was going to happen. Eventually, my parents made me leave. I begged them to let me stay but they said I needed to leave Tamera alone for a little while. So I listened to my parents and left, but I kissed the top of her head before I did. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed out the milk and then got myself a bowl, spoon, and cereal. I slowly ate my cereal. As soon as I was done, I put my bowl and spoon into the sink and went into the livingroom. I sat on the couch for a few minutes and fell asleep. While I was sleeping, I dreamt of Tamera and the wolf.

Tameras POV*****

I woke up and saw two people standing over me. I closed my eyes again for a second and then opened them and saw that the two people were Ethan's parents. They looked at me and then said, "Hello dear, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, a little hungry but I feel fine besides that. Can I go home please?"

"Yeah, of course, do you want to walk?"

"Yes, thank you for taking care of me. Have a nice day."

"You're welcome, and you have a nice day too."

I left the room and went to the livingroom and got ready to leave when I saw Ethan lying on the couch. He looked peaceful. I walked over to him and watched him sleep for a minute and then kissed him on his forehead and left. I walked home slowly. When I got home, there was nobody there. I went to the kitchen immediately and got something to eat. I made myself a ham and cheese omelet and ate it in the peaceful silence. I then checked the answering machine and it said there were 4 new messages. I hit the play button and the first message was from my one of my dads friend and then the next two were for my brother and the last one was from Ethans parents. They had just called about an hour before I left their house. The message said that I was still at their house and to not worry about me if Im home late. I deleted that message and went into my bedroom so I could charge my phone. That was when I realized I didnt have it. So I wrote a note that said I would be back in about an hour and put it on the fridge. I quickly put my shoes back on and walked back to Ethans house. When I got there, I knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to come to it. Ethans mom came to the door and let me inside.

"Hi, Mary, do you have any idea where my phone might be? I think I left it here."

"Oh, yes, I'll be right back with it, just wait here."

"Okay, thank you." I did as I was told and waited for her to come back. I looked at the pictures on the wall while I waited. I heard footsteps coming closer behind me but I just figured it was Ethans dad or one of his other family members. Unfortunately, I was wrong. It was Ethan. He picked me up, like he used to do, and spun me around in his arms. I laughed and stared into his eyes as he stared back into mine. His mom came into the room and Ethan immediately put me down. I told his mom thank you and he walked me home. About half way down his road, he picked me up again and I kept telling him to put me down but he just laughed at me and told me he wasnt going to. He knew I was afraid to be picked up but he kept doing it anyways. He eventually put me down but he wouldnt let go of my arm. He explained the incident when I saw him and the cheerleader kissing and I forgave him instantly only because I could see that he was being completely serious, no sign that what he was telling me was a lie. We hugged and started walking again. He, of course, decided that I didnt need to walk and he picked me up and carried me the rest of the way home. When we got to my house, he told me he was really sorry for what happened. I just smiled at him and said to not worry about it. He came closer to me and kissed me lightly on the lips. He said bye and was about to leave, but before he could leave, I pulled him closer to me for another kiss. I let him leave after that, but he decided to just stay. He called his parents on my home phone and then we went to my room and he kissed me again. Eventually, he stopped kissing me and we watched a movie in my room. I fell asleep during it, which usually happened and I dreamt about him.


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