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Skipping the school day. im sorry but ugh its such a bore. agreed? mmmk


After school should be fun. Well, funner thatn being IN school. Is funner a word? hmm i should look that up later. So for every first day of every senior year, there are some killin party's after school. Girls get ready and slutty while Guys get ready and buy drinks. Typical, right. So here i am getting ready for a party i'm definetly NOT ready for. My room looks like a tornado came through. Clothes here, clothes there. Shoes here, shoes there. Jewery and random shit everywhere. I've never been to party like this. So, that explains my dressing troubles.

"Havind trouble there my totally insane friend" I sigh of relief when Taylor walks in. I throw a dress on my bed and sit on the floor. "help me pweaasseeeee. Tay-tay why am struggling!!"

She looks through my closet and a shrit and a pair of jeans land on my head. 'Thanx' i mumble. I get up and change. She gave me a black band tee and black ripped skinny jeans. I look at her and smirk.

"So, you chose punk over slut. Thanx" She smiled. "What are friends for my love. Now let's go. people are expecting us." We both walked out and started walking down the street. The party was only like a couple blocks down. No need for a car. Especially if there would drinking. I can hear the blaring music from my house. But the closer you get the louder it gets. No duh. Tay-tay walk hand in hand. No we are NOT dating. I mean we would but like we'd rather not.

Walking into this massive house party, i nearly tripped cuz of all the bottles and other random crap there was. Poeple were smoking, drinking, dancing, making out, chatting, and just chillin watching everyone. There as a stage where i'm gessing someone might perform. Tay-tay disapeared leaving me all alone. i knew half the people here, the rest were complete strangers. Arms wrapped around me and i almost screamed. "Hey there beautiful" that angelic voice again. I smiled. "LucasPenguinRobertHemmings!!" I turned around wrapping my arms around his neck. Damn he smelled good. Is that weird? I'm weird. I let go and his blue eyes, brighter than ever, looked into mine. I nearly fainted.

He got pulled away from me by short blonde with a nice body and a tight fitted short dress. I just thought she was drunky who lost and totally confused, but Luke leaned down and kissed her so... They're dating. I looked away feeling awkward. And honestly, i didn't really approve of this. Luke and Brooke were not the couple i shipped. or ever will.

She whispered something in his ear and smiled. But he looked at me and his smiles fell. She walked away and he stood straight clearing throat. "Nice seeing you Luke" i mumbled not making eye contact. I walked over to Tay-tay where she was on stage getting ready for a performance. I leaned against the stage and she tugged my hair. I smacked her hand away and she laughed. "C'mon. you're singing tonight" I stared at her shaking my head no. Me? on stage. Singing? uh, no.

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