I wonder why he smelled like her and why would he be with her...
y/n pov*
I look over to jungkooks mom and shes looking at me,I give her a slight smile and she returns it and i look at my parents as they are talking...
Mom:Well we must go now
My mom walks away as she rolls her eyes....Sometimes i cant believe her....I was about to go to Lucas when...
Dad:Not so fast
I look at them...
Dad:Where did you go?
Dad:You disappeared...
Y/n:I was with lucas and-
Dad:If i find out your lieing
I sigh and walk away...
2hrs and 40 mins later*
The everyones starting to leave and im staying bye to lucas,essence and fiona....
Lucas:Ill see you whenever...
I chuckle and hug them goodbye....They leave and there is only a few more guest...
Chloe:He's still here say goodbye before he leaves
I look around but dont see him...
I go to the kitchen to see him drinking a bottle of water...
Chloe:He's so hot
I roll my eyes and walk over to him...
Jungkook pov*
I see y/n walking over to me...
Y/n:hey just came to say bye
I nod
Benjamin:Give her a hug
y/n pov*
I can see he was hesitant so...I gave him a hug...He wrapped his arms around me....Then he gave me a kiss on the cheek...I feel my face heat up...When i look at him he has his bunny smile on display...
Jungkook:When will i see you again...
Jungkook:In one hour?
Y/n:My parent wont be asleep...2 hours?
Jungkook:Thats too long to wait
Y/n:1 hour 30 mins
Y/n:See you later
I walk out the kitchen and go to the livingroom...
1hr later*
Everyone is gone and im in my room just got out the shower....I put on some comfortable clothes and get on my computer....
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