Chapter 20-The end of my dad

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Y/n pov*

It's the 5th day of our honeymoon today,me and jungkook are in the pool...He phones rings and he ask me to get it since I'm closer...

I answer as i see it's my mom...

On the phone*





Before the phone hung up I heard stuff breaking in the back ground and my mom scream...Jungkook comes over to me as he sees my face expression...

Jungkook:What happened?

Y/n:M-mom ummm she...we need to go b-back


Y/n:T-they need help...omg help w-we need to help

I start freaking out as I process everything...


I run to our room and grab my suit case as I hear him run behind me...He grabs my arm and his eyes softens when he sees my shaken up figure...

Jungkook:Y/n in need to you to breath and talk to me

Y/n:O-ok umm she said something about needed us to come back...I think there in trouble

He grab my hand and he drags me to the car and pulls off...He starts to zoom to the airport but there were a lot of traffic...I could feel that he was angry as my body heat was going up with his since we are bonded...

Y/n:Jungkook calm down

I tried to calm him down as it's not safe for him to be driving angry...After a while we make it to the airport and our plane starts flying...We made it early there because we took jungkook private plane...We got in the car and he started driving when we got to the forest it was atleast a hour ride to the house...

Y/n:Jungkook let's run there

It would be faster as we are faster than cars...He stopped the car on the side and we got out...

Jungkook:I'll come back and get the car later

I nod and we shift into our wolfs,It feel good to be in my wolf form cuz it's been a while since I have been...Ever since jungkook became alpha we haven't been able to sneak out at night time since he's always busy...I go next to jungkook and we rub our body's against eachother...

Chloe:It's good to be back

I smile hearing the voice I've missed inside my head...

Jungkook:Stay next to me while we are running

I nod and we both take off,after a while of running we both make it to the house and we see the whole place is messed up and there are a lot of people fighting...My eyes land to my mom captured by my dad and the girl that is a vampire is next to him...I was about to run to her when jungkook stopped me...

Jungkook:I don't want you in this fight muffin


Jungkook:I don't want you to get hurt


Jungkook:No I want you to go and find the girls and boys and stay with them

He says and runs off to help fight,I go into the house and see more people fighting and everything broken...

I see the girls fighting and I go to them and kill the people that they were fighting with...

Y/n:Where are the boys?


We all go to the kitchen and see them killing the people and once they were finished they come to us...

Y/n:Jungkook is outside fighting

The boys tell us to stay upstairs in the rooms...I had a bad feeling tho so I tell the girls I'll be back and go outside...I see the boys fighting with jungkook gaurds and jungkook and my dad fighting...The vampire girl was holding my mom and gaurds were holding mr.Jeon as he looked weak and Mrs Jeon then I see the vampire pull out a gun and point it towards jungkook....I let out a loud bowel and charge towards hurt and I hear a gunshot go off and I feel a powerful pain go through my body...


I push her on the floor and rip her head off her body...I then let out a loud growl and everyone falls down...I go to jungkook and see him in his human form lauding down in pain...Tears come out of my eyes as I see his body laying there...I look at my dad and he's smirking and I charge at him in anger...He falls and looks at me terrified and he changes into his whole form which isn't that big because he doesn't have royal blood....The more power you have the bigger your wolf is and he acts like he has a lot of power but I know he doesn't....I pounce on him and bite his neck as I start clawing at his face...I feel him put a big scratch across my chest but I didn't hurt because of how mad I was...I continued to claw at him till I feel his body drop lifeless...My mind went back to jungkook and I see the boys carrying him into the house and everyone around us is dead but some of our guards,the girls and boys and our parents...I feel myself go back weak and the girls rushing over to me...


I whispered before blacking out and falling...


Alright kookies that's the end of this chapter hope y'all enjoyed love y'all ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🖤🤎

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