Chapter 24-Family gathering

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Jungkook pov*

I follow behind her quietly just to make sure that she gets in no harm,I see they where fine and i run back to the house...


Jungkook:Watch them and make sure they get back to the house safely

Guard:Yes sir

Skip time-Y/n pov*

Me and West stayed in the field for a while but when it starts to get a little dark we head back to the house.

At the house*

We enter and all the boys crowd us ask us alot of questions...

Tae:Are yall ok?

Jin:Come eat

J-hope:Yoongi they're back wake up!


Rm:Enough questions come relax

We go to the kitchen and see three plates left of food...

I give her one and i have one and we eat but i keep staring at that one plate left...

Mom:Its jungkooks if your wondering...

She makes me unspace out...

Y/n:Where is jungkook at?

Mom:In yall room he hasnt came out every since he's came in

I was thinking about going to see if hes ok,I was about to get up when...

Everyone:Eat first...

Y/n:What the-

Jimin:Jungkook's orders

Y/n:Well jungkook isnt the boss of me

I walk upstairs

Mom:So stubborn


I open the room door and see jungkook laying down staring at the ceiling.I sit next to him on the bed and lay down next to him.We sit there quiet for a while...


Jungkook:Im sorry

Y/n:Im sorry too

We turn and face eachother...

Jungkook:Do you think we can hand two mini wolfs?

Y/n:I think we can handle anything as long as we try together

He pecks me lips...

Jungkook:Did you eat?

Y/n:A little

Jungkook:I told them to tell you to eat

Y/n:I know

Jungkook:And of course you didnt listen

I smile and lay up

Y/n:We can clean out the library no one goes in there we can just put everything downstairs into your office...

Jungkook:Ill get my guards to do it

Y/n:No stop being lazy we'll do it together

Jungkook:Your no doing anything with our child in your stomach

I roll my eyes 

Y/n:Ill help decorate then i am better at it then you

Jungkook:You wish

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