chapter 1:

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(brielle pov)

i was tested, injected, and treated like some science experiment. i was hydra's new toy thanks to the winter soldier. years of torture and training i have gained super strength, speed, and the power to read minds. hydra was no day spa. i was beaten by grown men for endless hours, testing my strength by throwing me around like a rag doll. broken bones didn't matter. they had no remorse for the pain. i was brutally forced to run for hours on a treadmill, if i stopped that meant i was to be chained up and hit with a steel baseball bat till i was unconscious and bruised. when i wasn't being beaten or spit at or injected with some sort of serum i was locked in a cell with a metal bed and a mattress as thin as paper. not like i could sleep though, my mind kept me awake, being filled with the memories of the old times and other people's thoughts. hydra never found out i could read minds, i used that against them. there were no days off, there was never any sunlight. my days were filled with i.v wires pumping in super human serums into me. if i wasn't in a hospital bed, i was being trained to fight. i fought against the winter soldier, nearly won too if it wasn't for the stupid arm. i won most battles but that didn't give me anything, no reward just more training to be better. everyday is jumbled together, early mornings, being used as a punching bag for angry guards, fighting at least ten people a day, and getting injected like some druggie.

before they could completely brainwash me i was successfully rescued by s.h.e.i.l.d and the avengers. i so desperately wanted to return and kill my keepers, the people who are the reason behind my heart ache. but i knew that if i did i'd never come back. so instead tony stark recruited me, brielle jade, as an avenger. i had a family, something that had grown to be foreign over the years. it was new and i was tired of the change but i accepted and started a new life yet again.

i was broken and my trust was nonexistent. that meant therapy. my therapist specialized in fixing the seemingly unfixable, also known as damaged and traumatized. i had nightmares, as i'm sure any hydra survivor would. i didn't sleep because the dreams felt too real. my therapist tried everything from drugs to some hippie trying to tell me all the good things life has to offer and how hydra was just a small bump in the road. nothing helped. after months and months of mundane talking, i felt a weight lifted. i had grown ok with the past and i was ready to move on. i still have nightmares and don't think i'll ever be able to forget what hydra did to me, however i think enough time has passed for me to let me be happy again. fight for the good, be a good guy not a minion for the bad guys.

steve rodgers became a brother who i loved dearly. thor was hot and we bickered a lot. tony stark was a saving grace who, willing to admit it or not, loved me as his own. natasha and i had never been closer. clint and i were the siblings we had always been before. i was at home.

authors note: ahh i'm so nervous to publish this. i hope you like it

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