chapter 9:

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(brielle's pov)

it's been a few weeks since bucky and i slept together and i do not feel good. bucky and i have switched on and off from sleeping in my room to sleeping in his. tonight we are sleeping in his. i knock on his door and only hear his shower running. i walk in and make myself comfortable in his bed. he eventually walks out of the bathroom and drops his towel out of fear when he sees me.
"when did you get here doll?" he stands frozen.
"about 10 minutes ago" my eyes find themselves moving down his body, "are you gonna pick that up?"
he doesn't say anything, he just inches closer to the bed. hovering over me he whispers, "do you want me to?"
as much as i'd love to, the cramps are too painful and i have an important training tomorrow.
"i can't- you know i have to train tomorrow. plus i'd prefer to walk in the morning." i wink at him and he huffs, he slips on some sweats and curls up behind me.
"good night"

hours into the night i'm woken up by screams. bucky is having a nightmare.
"bucky it's ok, i'm here, it's ok." i touch him and he shoots straight up.
breathing heavy, he looks over at me with tears in his eyes.
"it's ok, it's ok." i pull him to my chest and play with his hair.
"it's not ok, they took you. they took you right out my arms. i couldn't save you." his voice is shaky.
"i'm here and i'm not going anywhere, i promise." he cries into my shirt and we sit in silence. as he falls asleep i hear him whisper, "i love you." my heart flutters and i whisper it back.

we get rudely woken up by his alarm at 6:30 i. the morning. he groans and shuts it off. we lay in silence but i feel my stomach churn. uh-oh.
i jump up and run to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet. i feel his presence, he holds my hair back with one hand and rubs my back with the other. he doesn't ask any questions, he just sits there. once i'm done emptying my stomach he guides me back to bed.
"i don't think you should train today love." he sounds concerned.
"i'm training with nat, i'll be okay." i try to reassure myself more than anything.
"once you're done you better come back right here. i'm gonna take care of you." he's so demanding when he's worried.
"i can't, pepper and i have a meeting. i'm supposed to become an official government avenger." this is the defining moment of my healing.
"ok, just take it easy please?" he pleads. i nod and he kisses my forehead.
i go on with my day, training with nat, showering, changing into something professional, meeting with pepper and the governor. once my day is over i stop by the store to grab some things. i grab my monthly necessities but when i'm looking i see the tests. i can't be, we've been safe. right? well except for the first night. i grab one and check out.
once arriving back at the compound i grab nat and drag her to my room.
"i might be pregnant." i blurt as i lock the door.
"back up, you what?" she crosses her arms.
"the first time bucky and i... ya know. i don't think we were safe and i've been sick for the past two days. i threw up this morning too. all those symptoms line up." i open the bag and grab the test.
"ok well i'm here for you, go take it." she makes herself comfortable.
i shut the bathroom door and pee on the damn stick. i walk out and she looks at me.
"i don't know yet, it takes two minutes." i sir next to her.
"what are you gonna do?" she searches my face for some sort of emotion.
"well first of all i'd be pregnant by a 106 year old man. i don't know, i don't know where bucky is at. i mean we aren't even officially together. he told me he loved me but that was after a nightmare and we haven't spoken about it since. i don't even know if i'm ready for a kid." this is stressful.
"he- he told you he loves you? that's gotta mean something, even if it was after a nightmare." she's right, the truth is told in moments of fear.
my timer goes off and i bolt to the counter.


buckys pov

brielle got home a while ago but she took nat and went straight to her room. i'm not worried, it's probably just gossip. i kick everyone out of the kitchen and my pizza is delivered. perfect timing. tonight is the night i ask her to be my girlfriend. i head upstairs and knock on her door.
she opens sit with puffy eyes, "oh hey buck." she wipes her eyes.
"hey what's wrong?" i grab her hands.
"oh i'm just so excited about being an official avenger. you know girls and their emotions."
"well congratulations, i'm proud of you" i kiss her quickly, "whenever your done, i have a surprise for you in the kitchen. she nods and shuts the door again.
i made us plates and already had the backyard set up so we can eat outside. i see her walk down the stairs and i smile.
"hi doll."
"hi buck, what's all this?" she scrunches her nose.
"it's pizza, just for us." i grab our plates and lead her out the back door. we sit and eat, talking about our days. i tell her about how clint tried to fight me again and she laughs. shes the oldest sibling too. after some time, it gets cold and we head inside. i had steve set up the kitchen for milkshakes.
"milkshakes? what's this all about?" i don't answer her, i change the subject.
"chocolate or vanilla?" i look up at her.
"chocolate." perfect just like our first date.
i make the milkshake and put in two straws. sitting down next her i grab her hands.
"brielle jade barton." she looks at me and she has tears in her eyes.
"yes james buchanan barnes?"
"you've shown me that my past can be forgiven, that who i was in hydra isn't me now, that i shouldn't deprive myself of happiness. you've given the best gift of all, your time and your love. i know we've kinda done this whole thing backwards but... will you be my girlfriend?" she crying.
"yes bucky! yes!" she jumps up and kisses me.
we enjoy the rest of our night and end up falling asleep on the couch with the fire going.

authors note: what is she gonna do? if he finds out is that gonna change their relationship?
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