Chapter 1

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Chanyeol watched the repeated motion of the waves from the edge of the boardwalk where we was sitting. It was a sunny afternoon and the rays made the sea sparkle underneath the cloudless blue sky.

Despite the perfect weather, Chanyeol's mood couldn't be more gloomy. It was only half past 2 in the afternoon but he was already wishing for the day to end. The humidity of the day wasn't helping much to lighten his mood.

Chanyeol sighed as he leaned back against the boardwalk railing. For the nth time since last night, he regretted how he almost immediately agreed to his best friend Bomi's proposal of having a quick, yet much needed, getaway for the weekend.

Chanyeol knew that Bomi was doing this for him and because of what he'd been through almost a year ago. Maybe that's why he readily agreed to Bomi's plan of gathering all her friends and having one crazy beach party for the weekend. Because after all this time, the feeling of being left behind keeps setting in like the incident only happened yesterday. Like those waves, the loneliness keeps rushing in again and again...

"Yeol-ah!", a girl's voice snaps Chanyeol out of his thoughts as he turned his attention to the person who called him. "What in the world are you doing out here? We've been waiting for you to bring back the drinks half an hour ago!" Chanyeol heard her before seeing that it was Bomi whose figure was difficult to spot against the glare of the afternoon sun.

Before he could answer her, Chanyeol was greeted by another voice. "Hey, man." It was Hui, Bomi's boyfriend. Chanyeol raised a hand in greeting and watched as Hui walked towards where Bomi was standing and held her hand.

"By any chance, you didn't finish all the drinks in the cooler did you?", Bomi eyed Chanyeol suspiciously as she folded her arms across her chest. Chanyeol looked at the cooler of drinks beside him. He was supposed to bring this back to the party a few yards from the boardwalk but as he didn't want to go back to all the noise and excitement and rather preffered to watch the blue sea in the sweltering heat. Despite this, he did not in fact consume any of the drinks in the cooler. But because he loved to tease and fight with his best friend, he merely shrugged and gave Bomi an annoying smirk.

Taking the bait, Bomi began to walk towards him ready to fight for her life. "Babe, this is not a good time-", Hui reasoned while trying to stop Bomi by grabbing her by the waist.

"Let me at him! Just let me-!" , Bomi said as she struggled against her boyfriend, clearly ready to beat Chanyeol's back or pull his hair or just about do anything that would beat him to a pulp.

Chanyeol seemed unbothered and calmly smiled at Bomi. "Relax, Bbom. I didn't drink anything in here. Not even a single can." , Chanyeol replied.

After hearing this, Bomi sighed in relief. "You could've just said so in the first place." , she muttered while Hui released his hold on her as she began to settle down. "Come on, let's get you, and those drinks, back to the party!" Bomi said as she pulled on one of Chanyeol's arms trying to get him to stand up.

"Bbom-ah, can I just rest in my room? Don't get me wrong. I really appreciate how you're throwing this party for me. But you know I'm not really that sociable." Chanyeol replied.

"It's just for two days. And besides I invited all my friends, literally all of them, so you wouldn't feel this loneliness you've been feeling for what I feel has been too long now." Bomi reasoned. "Please, Yeol-ah, can't you just try? Try to move forward now." Bomi said as she sat down beside her best friend.

Chanyeol usually takes a long time to move on and this last relationship of his hurt him deeply. He hasn't been the same since then which worried Bomi on a daily basis. She was angry at his last girlfriend for hurting him like this. She missed the old Chanyeol and she would do everything to bring him back. She'd do everything to make her best friend happy again.

They were silent for a few minutes before Chanyeol replied, "Fine. But just for tonight. I don't know if I'd rather hang out in my room tomorrow."

That was enough for Bomi. It gave her hope seeing how her best friend was making the effort to try and reach out to other people knowing how shy he often gets around those he barely knew.

"Thanks, Yeol." Bomi smiled brightly and slapped Chanyeol's back as she stood up and walked towards Hui who was waiting nearby. "Ow! What was that for?" Chanyeol shouted.

"That's for annoying the hell out of me earlier when I asked you about the drinks in the cooler." she retorted. "Now come on! Let's go!" she shouted back at him.

But before Chanyeol could even stand, the three of them heard a voice in the distance. "Bbom-ah! Is that you? Where's the party?", a girl called out.

The afternoon sun kept shining so it was hard to see the girl's face. It was only when she was already near them that they were able to make who it was.

"Eunji-ah!" Bomi called out to one of her closest friends as she ran towards her.

"Eunji, you're here!" Hui exclaimed as he followed Bomi who was already hugging Eunji.

It was only Chanyeol's first time to see Eunji but little did he know he'd be remembering this moment for life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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