Boy Doctors POV
I checked up on her a little bit after I left her in her room. She's so peaceful looking when she's sleeping. At least she didn't puke. While she's sleeping me, River, and Vortex talk or play different games. I hear footsteps and look behind me. A no longer sick Doctor comes walking over to us.
"How ya feeling?" River asks her.
"Like crap." she replies.
We sit around talking.
"Well I gotta go. See you later." River calls.
"Bye." The Doctor calls.
Once Rivers gone a message pops up on the TARDIS screen.
"Doctor. Where are you? Just wondering. Amy Pond." The Doctor reads.
"That's weird. Usually they sign Amy and Rory Pond." I say thoughtfully.
"Let's go pay them a visit." She says and starts flipping switches.
*Ten minutes later*
"Well come on then." She cries and we run out the door. A bright light fills the air and before darkness over comes us I hear a,"The Doctor is acquired."I hear yelling and is slowly waking up.
"You will save the Daleks." A robotic voice calls.
I'm then lifted up and they put wrist bands on my wrists. I'm then shoved into a bright light along with the Ponds and the Doctor.
The Mad Time Lord In The Blue Box
PertualanganThis is a sneak peek of the very beginning: Hello. My names the Doctor. I am the last of my kind. You can watch your silly little Doctor Who shows, but they aren't even close to the real thing. They make me a male in your show. How disgusted can I g...