Up In Smoke

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A/N- Hey, Ava here. I just wanted to let you know that I wrote this one to "This Head I Hold" by Electric Guest. It's an amazing song, and I recommend you listen to it to really get a feel for this chapter.

"You piece of shit! I was looking for you."

Alex smirks at the redhead's mouth as she flicks the ashes off the end of her cigarette into the night sky.

Casey had dragged her out to this club, insisting it was for her own good that she breathes the air outside of the DA's office. Casey's slurring her words as she raves about how much she loves this place. Alex is standing on a little concrete porch outside of the place, the cold air of New York's autumn hitting her bare legs. She's wearing her favorite little black dress that she's never found an excuse to show off, until now.

Casey steps forward and puts her hands on the railing of the porch and looking out. "Nice view. Very enticing."

She's referring to the cars of the back parking lot Alex is staring at. She turns around and gives Casey a pretend glare before inhaling and blowing smoke into the air. "Needed a breath of fresh air."

"I could use 'a breath'." Casey's putting emphasis on the words and she's grinning.

Alex looks at her and smiles. "Well, this is my last one but, unless you're adamant on having your own, in which case you're screwed, or you can share mine." Her mind is a haze and the words are running off her lips, courtesy of the many shots of tequila that was offered to her; she couldn't quite seem to refuse.

Casey purses her lips and tilts her head. "Why thank you, Miss Cabot."

Alex holds the lit cigarette between her middle and forefinger and she holds it out.

Casey takes it, wordlessly. She purses her lips around it and inhales, deeply, closing her eyes as she does so. She opens her mouth and exhales through her teeth, and the scent of the smoke and Casey's perfume is taking over her senses. She passes it back and Alex takes it from her, mimicking Casey's actions as she takes a drag.

They continue this for a while until Alex puts it out under her heel. Casey steps back, under the light and Alex can see a smudge of eyeliner on her cheek. She steps forward and presses her thumb on Casey's face without warning. "Here", she says as she rubs the black mark off. "I got it."

Casey's got her mouth closed until she licks her bottom lip before catching her tongue in between her teeth. "You've got a little something yourself, counselor." Her heels scrape along the concrete as she gently pushes Alex backward, onto the wall. "Let's get you in the light."

Alex doesn't know if Casey is being literal or metaphorical, but in seconds she's unable to ask because Casey's on her.

Casey's gentle, and when she pulls back, Alex is numb. "I got it", Casey whispers, mirroring Alex's earlier words.

Casey steps forward, cautiously, and Alex's gaze flicks down to her mouth.

Casey cups Alex's face and presses her thumbs down on her earlobes. Alex has never experienced anything like this before and she feels younger, the longer Casey's got her jaw upturned to meet her testing lips.

Casey presses her lips on her again, only this time, more urgent. Casey's got her tongue on her, then in her. Alex tries to help the moan that escapes from her lips, but finds she can't when the sound fills her ears.

Alex's thoughts are barely coherent and her ears are filled with white noise. She's hearing groans, little sharp breaths laced with incredible sounds of desire and she doesn't know who's making them.

Casey pulls back for a moment, to look at Alex. The light that hangs above them is reflected in Casey's wild gaze as an orange speck in a sea of hazel. Her pupils are small and she's wearing a tiny smile; smug, like she's won something.

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