Casual: Part One

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Hey there, so, I decided I would go further with this storyline because, well, it would be a crime not to. So, expect more chapters in the future. Also, I wrote this part to Still Life by The Horrors; great song. Remember, requests are always welcome and encouraged. Thank you!

"Casual, what?"

Casey pokes a straw through a half-empty glass of bourbon. "Sex."

Alex looks at her, incredulously. "You've got a hell of a lot of nerve, asking your boss for casual sex."

Casey shrugs before sipping. "You're wound up; everyone can see it. We're adults, and I'm not about to stress you out with a relationship."

Casey watches as Alex fumbles with her watch. "How do you even know that I would accept?"

She smirks and sets the glass down on the counter. "Forget that, how come you're not refusing?"

Alex jaw falls slightly open and Casey bites back a laugh. "I'm shocked, that's all. I'm-"

"No, no." Casey scoffs. "Don't start that. You want to or, at the very least, you thought about it because if you hadn't, you'd have walked out the second I even brought it up. I have nothing to lose; neither do you."

"Except maybe our jobs, Casey." She closes her eyes and sighs.

Casey waits for her to peek out, and when she does, she leans in closer. "Just tonight, then."

Alex runs her tongue on her bottom lip. "You don't even know if I'm gay."

Casey snickers. "'Don't know if I'm gay'; yeah right."

"What? I don't exactly wear rainbow bandanas tied around my ankles and a bright orange t-shirt saying 'Hey! Casey fuck me, I'm gay."

Casey shifts and bites her lip. "Say 'fuck me' again."

Alex gasps quietly and looks over her shoulder. "Okay, fine. Just tonight though, I swear to God, because I know if I refuse you'll be a real ass."

Casey stands and she's unable to hide the smile that spreads across her face. "Time's a-wasting, Cabot."


"Welcome to my humble abode."

Alex groans and hangs up her long, black coat. "Don't start your shit, Case."

Casey spins around, tossing her coat on the couch. "That's no way to treat your..."

Alex's eyes narrow. "Employee."

Casey turns around, and steps closer. Bourbon is thick on her breath and, as much as Alex hates to admit, Casey has charisma. "No, I'm not. Not now, anyway. I am Casey and you are Alex. Tomorrow, you can be Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Cabot, and I can be Assistant District Attorney Casey Novak." She moves her head forward, until mere inches separate the two. "Please don't make this one-sided."

Alex leans forward. Casey's offered a challenge and she knows that's Alex's weakness, stubbornness. Alex dips in closer and whispers hotly in Casey's ear.

"I want this."

She sees Casey shiver and she likes seeing her little glimpse of humanity, before she toughens up with a devilish grin on her face.

Alex is still when Casey tilts her head and sways in such a way that brings their faces close; centimeters remain and Alex's skin is crawling with anticipation.

And Alex lets Casey kiss her.

Her touch is light, testing the waters. This is the opposite of how she expects Casey to be.

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