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Once they were sure their caretakers were a long way down the hallway, eagerly they huddled beneath their light covers. They spoke in hushed voices, barely able to contain their excitement.

"Hurry! Who knows when they'll come back" a young girl rushed out for under the covers and reaching a hand over to her dragon companion and heaving him up onto the bed.

"Okay okay! Now do it!"

They had done this every night, ever since the dragon discovered he could even do it. Every time, she was baffled by it, an evidence sparkle in her youthful and curious eyes no matter how many times he had done it.

Suddenly their dark space under the covers, wasn't so dark. Bright colors of green and pink cascaded across the sheets and shone through to the rest of the room as well. She gazed at the burning glow of the crystals on his head, the light was intense and she found it impressive despite the minuscule size of his horns, barely the size of her thumb as they were still growing in.

But what really mattered to them wasn't the size of the horns but the excitement of the light. The familiar glow that always reminded her of the person she grew up with, finding comfort in the varying greens and light pink undertones.

"I wonder how they'll look when we're bigger" she pondered

"Maybe they'll be bright enough to light the whole room!" He replied

"You dream too small brother, I think you'll be as bright as the sun"

"No you dream too small! I'll be brighter than the sun!"

"Oh really? That's a little ambitious Grougal"

He playfully nudged her on the shoulder nearly making her fall back over onto the mattress

"I'll be as ambitious as I want to be"

"Okay we'll both be ambitious and call it even" she spoke through excited giggles. There was a long pause before either of them spoke again, comfortable enough to just watch the light show in silence. Until he spoke up again



"What do you want to do when you grow up?"

She looked off into another direction in thought before she put her words together.

"I want to explore the universe, just like Yugo did"

"That's a good dream, I want to explore the krosmos too"

"We'll explore it together Grougal! I can see it now, 'the adventures of Fauna and her dragon brother Grougaloragran"

She waved a hand slowly over her head as if she were writing the words of her fantastic legend out into the stars like little constellations, each with their own story to tell.

"I think you mean 'the adventures of dragon Grougaloragran and his Eliatrope goof of a sister, Fauna'" he retorted, mischief practically dripping from his voice. But she caught his snarky remark and threw it back.

"No ones gonna read about our adventures if you make me sound like a coward Grougal"

"Hmm....yeah I guess you're right"

Suddenly there was the sound of weighted footsteps down the hallway and their heads snapped to the direction of the noise. Quickly the light was gone and they released all the tension in their limbs and flopped to the mattress like rag dolls, the covers gliding down on top of them from the sudden loss of support. Neither of them moved until the footsteps were far off and out of their earshot. Cautiously Grougal slid up next to Fauna, both heads resting on one pillow that was just large enough for the two of them.

"Okay maybe we'll just stick to your title" 

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