Chapter 1: Awakening

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Fauna hardly got much sleep after yesterday's events. Images of the place she called home bursting into tiny fragments of reds and yellows. Her home planet, Emrub was destroyed by the mechasms once again. She heard the stories of her people from Balthazar, how Yugo had saved her people from the first mechasm attack and sent them to Emrub until he could find a new place for them. Although his efforts seemed to be unsuccessful and no one really had one solid answer as to what really happened after they were sent to Emrub. For centuries they stayed on the planet guarded by the great and very old Balthazar. But she never thought his stories of the mechasm attack would happen once again in her lifetime. She was one of the few Eliatropes with a dragon sibling, there used to only be six eliatropes with dragon siblings, the council members, among them was Yugo. But it's been a very long time since she's heard of any of the council members existence and miraculously eliatropes with dragon siblings became more common. And she was among them with her dragon brother Grougaloragran, though everyone just called him Grougal because honestly no one has time to say the whole thing. Balthazar told her that he was named after an ancient dragon who's eliatrope brother was a council member named Chibi, they were both amazing Prophets and were leaders of the eliatropes before he appointed yugo and his dragon brother Adamaï. She loved hearing all the stories Balthazar had to share.

Once the mechasms arrived, Balthazar did everything he could to hold them off, but Fauna knew he was only one dragon, and an old one at that. Most of the eliatropes on Emrub were children, none old enough to control their abilities with Wakfu. Fauna and Grougal were the eldest and managed to open a portal off the planet before it was too late, taking 4 young children and Grougal with her was all she could manage.

And here she was, waking up on an unknown planet in an unknown building she had never seen before. Her arm stung and seethed with pain from her injury while trying to escape the planet and her whole body ached from running. She barely remembered huddling the children and Grougal together before they were all out from exhaustion.

She slowly opened her eyes and took in her surroundings, her back resting against a hard stone wall. The ceilings were high and the space was much larger than she remembered, the walls were crumbled in places and she could see a row of pillars outside each with their own share of green plants crawling up and hugging the pillars. The place reminded her of a temple, so that's what she called it until she had a better name for it. She could see the sun high up in the sky and the sound of various birds and some other noises she'd never heard before, but she'd investigate later, she had to make sure everyone was okay before she wandered off.

Peering to her left she made a head count on who was there, Grougal, Nila, Sozi, Ruzo, and little Yavi. Everyone was there and relief washed over her. She opted to get up and look around since the others were still asleep, which was rare, she had never been the first to get up, usually Grougal at least was already up by then. Standing up hurt but she managed all right to make it to her feet. She walked slowly and steadily as to not bother any of her injuries, she could have teleported but she wanted to save her Wakfu for if she really needed it, there's always a chance that the planet she arrived on was going to be unsafe.

She stood in front of a large opening in the walls of the temple and her eyes met a vast forest of trees and under brush. Fauna had never seen so many trees in one place since Emrub was mostly grasslands and fields of wildflowers. She was amazed and only took her eyes off when she heard something behind her.

Dark umber eyes met his green and pink ones, Grougal was finally awake giving her the strangest face that was slightly pained.

"Since when do you wake up before me?" He mocked

"Since when did you sleep in?"

Grougal let out a huff of a laugh and slowly rose to his paws as well, stretching his arms up over his head until he seemed to realize stretching just made him feel more sore and lowered his arms with a grunt. Similarly to fauna he steadily wandered over to her, his tall figure stopping next to hers. She scanned over him briefly before asking if he was alright, to which he nodded his reply and spoke again.

"Any idea where we are?"

"Mm no idea, it's not like either of us have left Emrub, we could be anywhere"

"When we said we wanted to explore the krosmos...this is certainly not how I thought it would go" he muttered just loud enough for only fauna to hear

"I know Grougs" she let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding in.

Suddenly there was yet another stir, but it wasn't behind her where the other children were sleeping, it was on her right just past another opening in the wall. Her nerves spiked and she rushed over to be closer to the children in case whatever the sound was had made a hostile move on any of them. Grougal also visibly tensed but didnt move over to where fauna had been, opting to stand his ground with a low stance.

Whoever it was must've realized their presence was noticed because they slowly rounded the corner, making an appearance. Fauna's eyes darted to their tall figure, but what was more alarming to her was a long glowing green rod in their hands.

A/N: hello!! Thought I'd let you all know that I'm gonna be uploading new chapters every Tuesday and Friday! I might miss a few deadlines but I don't think y'all would mind too much tbh?? Anyway I hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am writing it! Fink and Fauna mean so much to me and I'm so excited to share their story with the world 🥰

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