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Third Person POV

A few days have passed and the boys were starting to notice how Taehyung was acting towards Jennie

Especially Jungkook

He was surprised of how caring and protective Taehyung was towards Jennie. He has never been like that

"Here Jen, have some water" Taehyung held out a bottle of water towards Jennie

"Thank you oppa" she smiled and got back to doing her work after drinking

Namjoon and Jin looked at each other then looked at Jungkook

The sudden change of atmosphere still bothered everyone. Usually, it would be Jungkook who would offer Jennie something to drink. It would always be Jungkook who would follow Jennie everywhere

'Weird' they both thought

Suga, on the other hand, was just happy that Jennie didn't seem to be bothered by the whole Jungkook thing. He glanced at Jungkook to see his gaze following Jennie's every move


Jin's POV

"It's just really weird hyung" I glanced at where Jennie, Taehyung and Suga are

"I mean, it is but what can we do?" I looked at Namjoon, "Jungkook has a girlfriend now. Jennie probably just felt awkward hanging around him"

We both looked at Jungkook who was looking at Jennie's direction, frowning

"Well, looks like we're not the only one's bothered by it" I just nodded my head


Jungkook's POV

She's hanging out with him again

I didn't know why but it bothered me so much

I hated it. Seeing her hanging out with him more. It used to be me, the one who she hang out and laugh with

I slowly approached them

"Noona" I said when I reached them

She looked back and smiled when she saw me, "Do you need help with something Jungkook?"


What happened to Kookie?

"I--" I didn't know what to say. I didn't really need help with anything, "can you help me look for my hat? I think I left it somewhere" stupid excuse

"I'll help hi---" Suga hyung protested but was cut off

"It's okay oppa. I'll help him" she smiled at him, "Can you just help me carry those to the van?" She pointed at the bags she carried with her

Taehyung hyung and Suga hyung looked at each other, hesistantly but nodded afterwards. They got up and started picking up the bags

"Let's check the other rooms. You probably left it there" she walked out the door as I followed her

We looked at every room but couldn't find it

Maybe because it's in my bag

"It must be around here somewhere" she looked behind the curtain

I looked at her silently

I can't take it anymore

I walked to her and hugged her from behind. She froze


I rested my chin on her shoulder

She relaxed for a bit and reached for my cheeks

"What's wrong, Kookie?" She asked softly

"Why are you avoiding me?"

She faced me with a surprised expression on her face

I stared at her, waiting for an answer

She looked away, "I-I'm n-not" she stuttered, "I just don't want to cause troubles for you and Ruby"

"What?" I looked at her, confused

"Nevermind" she walked away but I grabbed her arm

"Tell me noona" I begged

"You wouldn't understand" she spoke bitterly

"Then tell me so I'll be capable of understanding it" I looked at her in the eyes when she faced me


Third Person POV

Jennie looked at him straight in the eyes

'Should I tell him?' She thought to herself while looking at him. She was lost in his gaze again

"I------" before she could even speak the door opened

"Kookie-ah?" A soft voice called out making them both look towards the door

There stood Ruby, wearing a smile when she saw Jungkook

"Ruby?" He asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you" she giggled and made her way towards Jungkook. She looked at Jennie and smiled, "Hi unnie"

Jennie smiled and started to look around, "You two should go. I know you have a date" she tried teasing them to avoid the pain


"I'll look for it don't worry" she held her thumbs up

"Let's go Kookie" Ruby grabbed Jungkook's arm and they started to walk out

Jungkook didn't want to leave. He had so many questions

"Kookie-ah?" Ruby tried to gain his attention

He looked at her, "hmm?"

"I love you" she smiled

Jungkook looked back to Jennie, hesitating to answer

"I love you too"

Jennie felt her heart broke into pieces

The moment she heard the door close was the moment she broke down into tears

She tried covering her mouth to prevent anyone from hearing but failed to do so as the silhouette on the other side of the door listen to her sobs

The Royal Mess [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now