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Third Person POV

Jennie slowly made her way back to where the boys are

Just as she was about to make a turn, she came across Ruby

She tried to smile at her but Ruby rolled her eyes and tried to walk pass her but she quickly grabbed her

"Hey Rub--" she was surprised when Ruby shoved her hand off

"Don't touch me" Ruby glared at her

"W-what?" She asked still surprised by Ruby's behavior

Ruby stepped close to her and whispered in her ear

"I know your secret" and left her frozen in the middle of the hallway


"Jen, you're here" she was brought back to reality when she heard Taehyung's voice

She didn't realize that she was already in the room

She smiled at them and approached her bag digging, trying to look busy

"What did you and Bang PD talk about?" Jin asked her

She was on full panic mode on the inside

"Nothing much. Just your schedule for the upcoming months" she tried to act cool

They just nodded their head in response

Jennie's phone started to ring

She grabbed it out from her pocket. Her eyes immediately went wide when she saw the caller ID

"Sorry. I have to take this call. Excuse me" she quickly rushed out the room

"Something's really off. I just can't figure it out" Jin said making Suga nervous


"I want you to come home immediately"

"I can take care of myself. I'm not a little girl anymore" she answered trying to calm herself

"You can? Someone is following you!" The voice on the other said yelled making her flinch, "It's probably because of those good for nothing men"

The statement made Jennie angry, "Don't talk about them like that. You don't know a thing" she said coldly

"Jennie, you are coming home! That's an order!"

"NO!" she yelled back and quickly hang up

She sat on the floor with her back against the wall and covered her face

'I am never going back'

"Why didn't you tell me about your secret Jen?"

She looked up

"Namjoon" she mumbled

He sat down beside her

"Tell me everything"

The Royal Mess [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now