Daren/Regina Thomas

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My daughter has been acting strange for a week straight and I can't seem to figure out why. I asked her was she alright with me going on my date tonight and she said yes. It was my first night with Regina and I was nervous as ever. She was very pretty and seems to be well put together. She wore a red dress, with make up to match complete with high heels. She had a fair body and a pretty face. I loved women who could put themselves together. We decided to meet up at the nearest restaurant and just as I thought she was hungry. I wanted to make a good impression so yeah you guessed it, whatever she wanted she got. We went through two bottles of wine and a load of food.
"So Regina tell me something I should know about you."
"Well I get what I want and If I don't I make your life a living nightmare."
I gave her a nervous look and automatically thought of my child. When she saw me looking strange she busted out laughing and said she was just joking, I laughed it off but I was still on my toes the remainder of dinner. I made her drive my car cause for some reason I was feeling dizzy as hell.
"Where we going Ms Regina?" I slurred my words a little.
She didn't say anything at all so I figured she was driving me home or something, but when we got to the Holiday Inn, I knew after tonight I would never be the same. We got inside the room and she stripped off her clothes and pushed me back on the bed. Since I was intoxicated I just let her do what she felt like. When she went down on me and started sucking there was a huge crash outside the room door and she jumped up, I guess to see what disturbed us. Don't know why but I pulled my pants up and got myself together quickly and stumbled over to the door to see what was going on. Seems as if somebody started a fire, so we had to evacuate the building. Minutes later we were on our way back to my house and the ride was silent . I heard her say curse words under her breath,but when I asked her what was wrong she simply said nothing so I left it alone and continued to ride home. When we arrived to my house, I asked her about her car and she said that a friend picked it up for her. She wanted to come inside and get the mood back but I simply declined and told her that my child was inside and I didn't wanna make moves like that. She started pounting but I gave her a kiss and told her that in due time we will have our fun. She got out and made sure I made it inside safely, she said her ride should be there to pick her up soon. Tonight was strange but she seems to be an okay person to date, I guess I have to wait and see what happens next between us.
REGINA THOMAS: I can't believe this stupid fool blew up the hotel just when I was about to make my move. I picked up my phone and dialed his number I wanted to see what the hell this nigga was on and why he disturbed me. When he answered I didn't give him time to talk I just went in cause this was not a good look and I felt like shooting his ass for messing me up.
"Ok nigga you got five minutes to explain what the hell you on and who ass I need to beat for giving you the shit!"
"Damn my bad I just thought you were done by then what was you trying to do make love to the nigga ?"
"No fool, and we just made it to the room when yo ass started the damn fire, next time take direction and do what the hell I say exactly how I say. I can't fuck up my plans and besides once this is all over we will be living on easy street. With the business and his house we should be hitting jackpots in no time. "
"What about the little girl?" He asked me.
"Oh she should be easy to deal with, if I can only convince her dad that she's crazy, They will have to give her a check and then we can take everything. Now hang up and get everything ready the real games have yet to begin."
After my brother hung up I had a smile on my face, I was ready to take what I feel I deserved and apologize never. This was my chance to get back what I destroyed and this time there was no way that I could lose.
It's been two days since I heard from Daren , but that was okay cause I also knew the school that his baby girl attended and today I took it upon myself to pick her up and convince her that I was suppose to pick her up. I did some research on his daughter and found all that I needed to know so I thought my plan was perfect. I got to her school and noticed the cute little kid outside with her friends I suppose, I got out of my ride and proceeded to make my way towards her.
"Hey um I'm looking for a little girl named Shyneice."
"I'm shyneice whose asking."
"Hey little girl my name is Ms. Regina and I know your father and he asked me to come and escort you home today."
"Ok first of all I'm not a little girl but nice to meet you and give me a minute would ya."
She walked away from me as she pulled out her cell phone and I guess proceeded to call her dad. This little girl wasn't a dummy like I expected her to be, so I knew I had to be careful not to make a mistake with my plan for her.
"Yeah dad unm this women rode up to my school and I guess she thought I was dumb enough to believe that you sent her to pick me up do you know anything about this?"
"Wait let me put you on speaker phone so she can hear you loud and clear." She said while smirking at me.
As she placed her dad on speaker phone, He proceeded to tell me that it was inappropriate to just show up at her school and try to pick her up. He questioned me about what was going on and I didn't want to air out my business so I told him that we would talk later. My plans were falling apart and I knew I had to do something quick to fix them before I lost out on thousands hell possibly millions of dollars. Even though he was upset with me, he still told her to ride with me since he was busy but make sure she had her location on just in case I tried something. I felt defeated and pissed off then I thought of the perfect plan As we got into the car she wouldn't talk to me and I knew why but she should be lucky she wasn't stuck at school.
"Look I know we started off on the wrong foot what can I do to make it up to you?" I asked her.
"Well surprise me I guess but make sure you take me home my location is on and I don't think you want my dad unhappy. "
I blew it off and drove to the nearest ice cream shop and asked what flavor she wanted, After she told me I parked the car and got out so that I could go inside to order. I decided to order her a triple cone to pretend to show her that I was sorry. I took out a bag from my purse and sprinkled the pill substance on top of the ice cream. I took a spoon and lightly went around to make sure the substance was not visible. Then I decided to just grab a cup and pour the rest of the substance in the bottom and top it with the ice cream and just break the cone into tiny pieces to pretend that they made it that way. There was no way this little brat was ruining my plans and once the first phase was done I can really start having fun.
While she was enjoying her ice cream I was just driving around thinking of my next plan. About an hour later of us being stuck in unbelievable traffic she was complaining about being sleepy and having a headache, so I went to the store and picked up some Tylenol. She was ten but I'm sure she could handle it. After I dropped her off she was still a little woozy and I explained to her father that I didn't understand why. I also offered her dad to take the pills that I picked up. I drove away and got ready for the show, if her dad feed her those pills she was going to need a doctor and if her dad sees me caring for his child I would be in and there was no way she could get me out. Replacing the Tylenol with my pills ... this should be fun and very interesting!!

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