Shyneice/ Golden

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I been here for hours and after refusing to eat and join the other children I been given shot after shot.

"Hey new girl your parents must hate you if they sent you here" One girl said to me .

"Hey look that girl is one of us FORGOTTEN!! ." This other girl said as the girls fell to their knees in laughter.

I was tired of the name calling but the meds had me numb so I just sat there staring in space unable to fight back.

'Yall leave the new girl alone you see she's a non talker like sally and yall know kids like her are dangerous. "

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't feel a thing it was like my body was numb and stuck. I just turned and went to my room and slammed my door and collapsed on the bed. A few hours later it was midnight.. At least I think it was. I still felt weak from earlier. I looked out the window and saw the moon and started thinking of my mom and dad hoping I would be out of here soon.

"We need a nurse in here ASSAP." I heard faint screams as my eyes continued to get heavy. I guess I dosed back to sleep and all I could see were nurses all around me and a girl in the corner with fear in her eyes. Suddenly I was placed on a bed and rolled out the room and into a van once again. At this point I didn't care about what happened to me I felt defeated and If I was going to live a new life I mind as well get use to it.

"Shyneice we going on a ride and after this if you don't get your act together you will join your mom ... as soon as I find her." I heard Regina in the background .All I did was pull the cover over my eyes I heard a gun cock and I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs.


The door came open and a lady came over to me, wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.

"Shyneice don't worry I'm here."

I didn't say a word I just went back to sleep with tears in my eyes. Scared and feeling mute I just wished for everything to be over...

The next morning I woke up still in the women's arms and feeling somewhat safe. She was singing a song that somehow sounded familiar to me. I looked up with a smile on my face and she hugged me tight.

"How are you feeling Shyneice?"

"I'm afraid grandma can you help me?"

"Leave it to me chile, just leave it to me".

Chris called me and told me that Regina was on her way to his house so I know I had to make a run for it. I gathered my things and decided to wait for the coast to be clear then I would make my freak escape. Honestly I was about ready to give up and just let her kill me. I saw my child I saw Daren in a way my life was complete. I waited for about another good hour then made my escape out the back door. I started running down the road and I wish I had a better way of doing this. Something inside me was still screaming freedom but something was also screaming defeat. I heard something being thrown and next thing you know I'm on the ground with this pain in my back. I tried to fight the pain and keep running but then I heard Regina's voice yelling for me to stop.

"No Regina you not go win this round I must get back to my family."

I kept running until I ran into two men and they picked me up so I started kicking, one fell so I tried to knock the other down and he had me by my neck at this point. I bit him and he slammed me on the ground so I got out of his hold and while being weak I still started running again. This guy met me as I kept running with a drink in his hand but I was no fool so as he passed it as I pushed it back in his face and just like I knew his eyes started burning.

"Yall must think I'm real stupid." I started laughing out loud as I continued to run.
I stopped when I could have sworn I seen Chris and Daren in a blaze of fire. I tried to run towards them when Regina grabbed me and pushed me in the back of this truck and slammed the door.

I guess I was knocked out with something strong cause when I woke up I found myself in chains and gagged at the mouth. With eyes burning from the smoke in the room I saw her staring with a gun in her hand. Forgetting I couldn't scream she took a shot and aimed at my legs and arms. I quietly said goodbye and closed my eyes. God bless my family and keep them safe from danger. I heard a faint voice in my head and it simply told me to hold on a little while longer... But I felt so weak.

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