Side Story pt.2

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Chanmin jumped slightly when the door to the dance studio slammed open. "Oh, hey guys. What are you doing here?". he asked with a smile. Jeongin was about to rush at him but Minho pulled him back.

Chan locked the door and turned to face the man, who started to look nervous "So I hear you have a problem keeping your hands to yourself." he said as he stepped closer.

Chanmin's eyes widened and he stepped back, he opened his mouth to protest but Jeongin wasn't having it.

"I fucking trusted you Chanmin. I tell you everything and this is what you do to me, hurt the ones i love? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Chanmin shook his head and chuckled " I have no idea what you're talking about.". Jeongin clicked his tongue and punched him in his face, so hard that he fell.

Usually Minho would reprimand him but he just stood there with his arms crossed "So Seungmin and  Jisung are lying ?" he asked incredulously. Chanmin nodded and wiped the blood off of his lip and attempted to stand.

Jeongin stomped on his face and was about to do it again before Chan stopped him and gave him a look. Jeongin stepped back when Chan stooped down to be at eye level with the boy.

"Chanmin, stop lying to us before we cave your fucking face in." he said calmly, observing at the boy's frightened expression. "No don't be scared now, you knew exactly what you you were doing when you were hitting them." Hyunjin said as he joined Chan on the floor.

"Now help me understand why the fuck you thought it was okay to hit our mates and answer me quickly, i'm not the most patient person." Chan said as he glared at Chanmin.

"It was a mistake, I didn't mean it." the boy said, Minho raised a brow and pushed off the wall he was leaning on "I can't understand that Chanmin. What i saw on Seungmin and Jisung didn't look like an accident or a one time thing."

Chan hummed in agreement "Exactly, we also heard that Changbin got the worst of it, explain that to me.". Chanmin's demeanor completely changed, the boy laughed in their faces "That's right, it's because he's a fucking whore, why else?"

Chan shook his head and all the boys had the same thought "You just fucked up.". Before they could blink, Jeongin kicked him again but this time in his stomach "What was that?" he asked while continuously kicking him.

Once again, Chan pulled him back but also dealt a quick blow to his stomach. "Jeongin here doesn't take lightly to people talking about Changbin and I am the only thing stopping him from killing you so chose your words carefully."

"Okay Okay." Chanmin said as he could feel the blood pooling in his mouth. "Good." Hyunjin said as he pulled his phone out and started recording "Now you're going start admitting what you did and apologize to each one of them individually and we're still going to beat your ass after okay? Go on."

"I hit them when they got the choreography wrong and I'm so sorry for that." he said, looking up at Hyunjin expectantly. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and resisted the urge to kick the boy in his face "I said individually."

After the bruised boy apologized properly Hyunjin put his phone back in his pocket and cracked his knuckles "Stand up." he instructed. Chanmim grimaced and pushed himself up, ignoring the aching all over his body.

Just as he was about to straighten up Hyunjin punched him square in his jaw, causing the other boys to jump in. Tears were swarming his vision and a metallic taste flooded his mouth but he was conscious enough to hear the door open.

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