the noble house of black

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I woke up to the sound of screaming

Immediately my head starts pounding merlin i think i overdid it with the whiskey last night

I open my eyes to find ginny and hermione talking in the hallway

"Oh look sleeping beuaty is finally up!" a voice i make out to be ginny says walking into the room

"Too early for sarcasm or jokes ginny!" i say covering my head with a pillow

"It's actually 11:30 here take this!" hermione says handing me a glass of water

"exactly way too early!" i drink the water

"Did the screaming wake you up? I know it woke me?" ginny asked

"Um no can't say I'm not used to waking up to screaming!" i sigh 

"ugh pass me that vile in my bag mione" i groan getting out of bed and throwing a sweatshirt on

she does and i down it one go

"It's a hangover potion, always keep it on me just in case!" i explain

"Well it's better than my solution" Ginny sighs "just getting drunk again!"

"I dont think thats a good idea mrs weasley said that we have boxing day visitors so i recommend that you get ready alya!" hermione explians

"I'm ready, I can't be bothered to dress up all nice so whoever's coming has to take me for who I am, my rough tired sort of still hungover self!"

I let my tight curls down from my messy bun and put a pair of leggings on

"How is it even when hungover you look hot?" ginny asks

"Wow you really are the perfect hype women aren't you, you know if it wasn't for luna i would definitely wife you up!" i laugh

"Oh we would be a power couple for sure!" she laughs along with me going through my clothes

hermione shifts in her seat do i detect a hint of jelousey

I smirk at the thought and decide to tease her a little

"You would be lucky to have me. I'm a very good kisser." i add

hermione gets up and leaves without saying anything

me and ginny decide to make our way to the kitchen but the screaming got louder 

"merlin she sounds how i feel!" ginny joked 

"does she have an off button!" i cover my ears usually screaming doesn't bother me after awhile you learn to tune it out but this time its very irritating 

"unfortunately my mother has never been one for shutting up!" a deep voice says behind me with a slight chuckle 

it was my uncle sirius 

me and ginny join in 

"well i vote we all go downstairs to get the hell away from that noise!" ginny stated 

" i second that." i add 

"you two go on ahead i need to have to discuss a few things with remus." 

me and ginny go downstairs only to be met with people entering the door i didn't make much of it until i heard a name "bella?" 

i turn around confused to see her 

my aunt the one i have never met before andromeda tonks the blood traiter 

when she sees the confusion in my eyes and the fact that im 16 she realises that i'm not her estranged sister 

i smile before ginny drags me to the kitchen by my sleave 

"whats wrong andromeda it looks like you've seen a ghost?" molly asks 

"i thought i did for a second there!" she replies sort of disappointed 

after a drink i walk into a room unknowingly walking into a family reunion of my aunt and uncle they both turn and look at me and god i feel a little awkward  

"sorry i didn't know anyone was in here um i can leave if you want!" i say 

"No its fine don't worry alya we were just talking about you." sirus says smiling at me 

"oh all good i hope." i joked joining them looking at the trapistry that covered the walls our family tree 

"we were just saying how much you look like your mother." andromeda says 

"yeah i um got told that a lot." 

"i used to too people said like twins." andromeda smiles going down memory lane 

"so anyway i doubt my sisters allowed you to be here." she continues 

"no they uh don't know i'm here the one handy thing about having parents in prison is they don't know what your doing.And aunt narcissa thinks I'm with friends in cornwal"l i laugh 

"i'm named after you well both of you im alya narcissa andromeda lestrange!" i blurt out 

andromeda smiles wide at this taken by surprise 

"well i grew up listening to the stories of the black sisters mum didn't talk about you but i have this locket with the pictures of you 3 in it i have it in my bag right now actually." 

"we all had those lockets for christmas one year." she explains 

"that was the christmas that we descoverd the field by the house that was probably the best christmas ever." sirus chimed in 

"can i ask you guys something do you regret leaving the family?" 

"we didn't leave we were kicked out because we didn't share the backwards views of the rest of them! sirus answered 

"i got kicked out because i was in love with the wrong person for them! 

"follow up question was it worth it?" 

"teds my person hes my world and without him i wouldn't have nymphadora and they complete me so yes while i gave up my sisters and my parents for them i am honestly way happier then i would've been if i chose the other way round. so to answer your question yes it was worth it i just wish i could've had my other family too!" 

"thank you both of you!" i thanked them 

"hey just remember keep the people who love you no matter what those are the people who will have your back!" sirus added 

"noted" i say leaving the room 

i ran up the stairs because i know what i have to do. 

i come up the closed door and knock 

is this a bad idea probably 

to late now shes opened the door 

"hey what are doing alya?" hermonie questioned me 

"asking if your free tomorrow evening?" i answer 

"yeah i am." 

"good because me and you are going out on a proper date to see if this will work!" 

"are you asking or demanding me?" 

"well depends on your answer." 

"yes ill go out with you lestrange!" she smiled 

"its a date granger!" i smile back 


hey guys sorry for the long wait my home life is kinda all over the place right now but um enjoy this chapter 

k bye 

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