The Astrology tower

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I'm in the great hall the and the atmosphere is so cheerful that it makes me want to be sick. While it's true I'm happy to be back I'm not as happy as those huffllepuffs over there. Dumbledore waffling on about something but I'm focused on a certain fuzzy haired Gryffindor. However my focus is sifted when dumbledore introduced a new teacher called umbridge or something. To my horror this small middle aged women covered head to toe in pink stepped up and started doing a speech. Everything about her Was just no! When frog face (Actually  that's an insult to frogs) was done she was met with minimal half asked clapping.
My social battery ran out and I wasn't that hungry so I whispered to pansy that I was going to get some air. And she gave my hand a squeeze and told me to be quick because she didn't want to deal with crab and goyle alone.

I made my way to the astrology tower I love it up there it's nightfall so I can watch the stars and that's my favourite thing. It's beautiful up here and most of all peaceful and that all I long for ever since I was born , I was born into a never ending war with myself  and what feels like the only time I can get peace is when I'm looking at the starts above, into a different world .
My name means heaven my mother named me it because of the black family tradition of naming your child something to do with astrology. Mother called me "her little angel" and whenever she said it I felt special. Like I was the only one who mattered to her and in a way I was!
I remember the first time I fell In love with the stars it was my 4th birthday and my mother took me to go see the stars on what felt like the highest mountain. Just me and her no Voldemort no dementors no one other then us, no complications just us. I miss her a lot but like narsisa says I'll see her soon ...

To my surprise I hear some one coming up the stairs, I pull my wand out and get ready for a fight if needed but I'm met with granger with her nose in a book
" oh sorry I didn't know you were up here" she smiles
" no problem granger just leaving" I say back with a little smile back.
"It's beautiful isn't it" she says and I turn around to reply
"I've seen better sights" while looking at her the moonlight hitting her face making her brown eyes sparkle. She really was beautiful
I run down the stairs to my room in the Slytherin dorm. Unlike the rest I have a room to myself thanks to the girl I'm supposed to share with moving to A muggle school so I shut my door and drank my potion and fall to my bed welcoming sleep. I've been tired for so long hopefully tonight is the night I'll finally have a full nights sleep
I think the stars oh to be a million miles away
Maybe there me and granger could be friends but here we could never be and with that thought I'm dragged into a slumber

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