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I was walking to my potions lesson when a familiar blonde haired ravenclaw skipped to my side
"Hey Alya" she said cheerfully
"Hey Luna what's got you in such a happy mood today?" I ask sarcastically because she's always like this. honestly I think if we went into a second wizarding war she would be acting like it was a game of hopscotch!
" well for starters the nargols didn't take anything last night and Ginny agreed to go to the three broomsticks after the meeting tomorrow in hogsmead."
"Meeting what meeting" I ask what type of club would meet in hogsmead
"Harry's going to teach a bunch of us some defensive spells because umbridge refuses to
It's called dumbledores army you should come." She tells me while picking up a flower
Well that type of club apparently.
"We will see" I say before turning around and saying goodbye to Luna

But I don't go to potions it can wait. I needed to tell my a certain someone about this club.
So potters playing teacher well we will see about how  long that's gunna last. Of course I'm not gunna snitch to a teacher who do you think I am ...
I hate snitches but on the other hand  I love steering the pot. And anyway there's more important things to do
I have to tell the dark lord about this ...

The perks of being the daughter of voldys most trusted supporter is that I am expected to be the same.
So before this year started the dark lord gave my uncle a piece of paper to give to me
It came with the note
"In case there's anything you need to report."
I have never seen him in real life but he's always been a presence in mine
So I got to my dorm Closed the door and wrote on the paper
"Potters started a club teaching kids defensive spells what do you want me to do?"
And the next words were something I wasn't expecting.
"Join and keep an eye on him and others"

Shit how am I supposed to convince the people I have spent the last 5 years basically bullying Let me into there club
Well I'm always up for a challenge and this was a big one ...

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