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i know this topic is crazy but hey this story stuck on my mind since i dont know when so as me being me i present it to you guys the awesome people who read wattpad! so lets get started.....

Chapter 1

Kayla's pov:

yo hey im kayla , kayla jones im 18 years old. i like to dance not sd (strip dance) hell i will never do that f-ing dance. Mordern dance thats what i like.

so..... yeah im here with my group of dance first jessica my best friend-errrr 17 years old have blonde hair green eyes. werewolf like me.

my group all werewolf ,they all17 years old i know im older than them and we promised to find our mates together

second amanda 17 too and werewolf brunette hair brown eyes

can we skip im tired lol.

theres 6 on our group we called our group the girls i know pretty lame right but we are hot if i said hot thats mean we are really hot and mateless.

me , jessica , amanda , yasmeen , charlie and the last amy. so we practise our dance and i have problem some of the moves . you know what the moves? ...moving our butt hell i will never do that.

" come on you can do it kayl i believe you can do it" jessica said .we have this agruments while massage her head.

" i cant i told u already that i cant this is so embarrassing" while covering my face .

" hey bitches! sorry im late" amanda said while throw her bag to the floor.

i looked at her . "what?" she asked .

i groaned " i swear i didnt do anything " she put her hands up . everyone looked at her like

" fine i will try" sighed in defeat. jessica shouted 'yes' and followed by others like 'finally' 'what' you can guess who said what .

i went to the middle and the song started ' its not about the money money money we dont need your money money money we just want the world dance - '

i started to bend down just a little bit and move my butt rhymed with the music and i shake my right hand a bit faster.

i stopped and shouted " yes mother fucker hahah fuck yah i can do the butt!" they laughed except amy with dissaproving looked. i just grinned . amy is liked our sister over protectived you can say that even though im older than her but still im the immature.

so we practiced till the end. and we all began packing and went out from the place. we said bye and went to seperate ways while me going to.... wait where ? oh ... yeah i forgot guess i have to head home i went to the forest and changed to my wolf and run till near to my house and changed back to my human form.

i went in. " Dadheh im homeeeeeee" i shouted lazily i found my dad with old strange man. they looked at me

" ummm hye ..... well this ackward ....... let just pretend that i just come in .. " i started to walked out and went back in.

i look at the old man with a shock fake look " hey im kayla jones's daughter nice to meet you sir" i shook my hand with his .

then he laughed " your daughter sure is something" i laughed along.

" this my old friend jerry " my dad said. " he just wanna inform that all alpha is having meeting in our country"

" why should be our country?" i asked . usually they have meeting in new york . " haha they got pitty on me because i already getting old well you know im the only one who is old and they are young" my dad said.

" awww dad you not that old" i hugged him he laughed. i let go. " i have to go now see you at the meeting oh lord! i forgot they want you the girls to perform a dance infront of all the alphas maybe you guys will find your mate their"

"WHAT!?" i shouted . " hahahha you joking me right mister?" i asked hoping that he just only joking with this clueless girl. " hahah no so i have to go now bye " he went away . i just gasped.

how im gonna perform my dance to that horny dog. oh god i need to tell the girls. i went to my room and start to message them to meet me on our favourite place.

i went there like 5 minutes and they all waiting for me. " so what you gonna tell us?" charlie asked.

" you bitches not gonna believe me we have to perform our dance infront of all the alpha "

they all looked shocked. and began to cheered. "hahaha yes we gonna find our mate" amy hugged me.

" i dont want to perform to that horny dog" i said. "awwww please kayla you know all the alpha's is so freaking handsome please my wolf is dying please for us" yasmeen begged. and they all began to begged . and using their puppy eyes. i looked at them for a while.

" fine " they all began to shouted and started to group hug and we all practically fall.

" now i have to go home tomorrow we have school" i went up and said bye to them . went home change to my pjs and straight to my bed and started drift to sleep.


yay first chapter ¡¡ well you guys just read right so vote and comment and i know it useless to tell to you guys to vote and comment and probally none of u gonna to do it.

so i must say enjoy¡ lol

love ...........(fill the blank)

:D geee cant wait. for next chapter

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