19 - To little too late

542 19 3

Recap from the last chapter: 

 After being teamed up with Momo and Tenya to fight against Gang Orca, you were left to fight alone since they refused to work as a team. Before continuing the fight you made a deal with Nezu that if you beat gang Orca in the next 2 minutes you would get to tell everyone who was present including the staff whatever you wanted and that it would involve the use of your quirk. Completing the deal by defeating Gang Orca in under 2 minutes you used your quirk to relive all the horrible moments in your life. You censored out certain parts to keep yourself calm, but in the end you ended up getting more worked up. 

You showed them how you were left to die as a baby, then on the streets, how everyone treated you. Showed them how they were villains and had been trying to create more by attacking you and class b. You also showed the staff of UA how they have been failing you all miserably. 

You kept on going telling them how badly it hurts and how they had been doing wrong till you passed out. 




3rd Person POV

As you woke up you realized you were in recovery girls office. Slowly getting up she noticed you and gave you glass of water. 

" Drink up dear, I know it's been a long day and I'm sure you're tired." 

You simply nodded and listened. She told you that you were fine and just needed to rest because of the stress you have been going through. She was explaining that you could leave until she got cut off by class 2B storming in 


After being tackled and hugged from everyone, they told you that class 2A wanted to talk to you. 

As they started to walk in, you realized that they weren't alone. The staff came in and so did 2 unexpected guests. 

No one had noticed them there but you just hummed to acknowledge them knowing they would let them know they were there when they thought it was the right time.

They all began to apologize and beg for forgiveness. They tried to say they were wrong and just blinded and refused to believe they were so weak. They were going to go on trying to give excuses until the two unexpected guest made themselves known. 

" Complete bull, don't you think Illu-kun." 


They dared to mess with my little girl. I was out of the country when this went down. I came back as soon as I heard to find my darling child to see her beaten bruised and broken. Trained assassins' couldn't break her nor the villains, but you so called heroes did?

You want to blame your weakness? The strong one, who blamed himself day and night and fought to find her was nice to her and didn't change, even without knowing the whole story. 

Her new found brother treated her better

yet you think it is a good excuse? 


Hisoka, you finish this... I can't hold back any longer if I continue." 

"My pleasure darling.

You see everyone, you almost caused the world to end. Although I can't explain that to you because in due time you will understand. 

Sweet like bunge gum, our darling did not deserve to be treated so badly and neglected. 

The supposed heroes of this school let the heroes in training become villains to those in lower classes. Pathetic If I do say so myself.

If they can't recognize that if she wasn't so strong, you would have doomed everyone. 

Do you really think if she became a villain that you could defeat her?

Raised by an Assassin 

The blood of two of the strongest known pro heroes

Gifted by those higher above 

sent to hell and back

and still being dragged and still becoming stronger.

Pathetic really. 

We were actually coming to see how our darling little child was doing till we saw what you made her relive to get you to slightly understand. 

Hell you can't even be sincere when you apologize, I can see through the lies. 

YN, you are leaving UA for a week.

Family vacation, oh and Eraserhead, Dabi, Bakugo, and Eri are invited. Oh and of course 2B and Vlad King! You all were wonderful and treated our darling right so join us please.

You all need to relax for a little after all of this. Surely the pros have no objections right, or would you want all of the Hunters to fight you. 


I'll take the silence as a yes. So a heads up we are going out to Hawaii. Pack swimsuits and be prepared to relax and enjoy yourself. Everything will be payed for by us. Anything for our little darling." 

At this point, you were super red but happy that they came to be here with you.

"Thank you guys, you really are the best. You may only be 6 and 8 years older than me, but you are always my real parents. You two raised and protected me as much as any person ever could. Thank you for doing all this for me. I love you all so much!" you said as tears rolled down your cheeks. 

Finally, I can spend time away with those I love without worrying. We can all relax for a bit before summer camp and our lives will get better. Heh, I'll be 18 on the trip too! Maybe I can surprise Shota you thought. 

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