A Problem Child Has A Problem Child(AoFuta)

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I didn't think it would be possibly to get flustered when it came to smut imao try writing it. I decided to break before I malfunction so here's the aofuta I promised. Takes place in the same universe as my other abo fics but later than both fics (It's not explicitly mentioned but both Kogagoshi and KamaNiwa have had their kids.)

Karma is real, Kenji thinks, Karma is real and he has no one to blame but himself. Maybe if he was nicer as a kid his own would leave him be. But that's not happening. He went from laying on his side to his back, trying to get comfortable.

It was the 4th day, well more like night, in a row he was having cravings. He doesn't even like it all that much but here he was, wanting strawberry mochi. He checked the clock.

2:13 am. God damn it. He was stronger than this. He could ignore this.




3:04 am. Nope, he could not. Damn it and damn karma. The way he saw it now there were 2 choices. Go out at around 3 am to get mochi. Or, he could wake his mate up to do it for him.

His instincts were basically screaming to not do the former, so that left the latter. He hated having to wake his mate up, both due that he was stronger than this and cause Nobu would do it in a heartbeat.

His alpha had been nothing but helpful so far during his pregnancy. Even with the mood swings or the aches and pains, Nobu had not complained once. Any issue? He'd fix it. If he could he'd do his damn best to make it easier on the omega. Kenji was very lucky he had such a good mate. He had certainly not made it easy.

But he still if he doesn't get the freaking mochi soon he's going to go insane. He flipped to his side so he was facing the alpha.

He shook his mate's arm "Nobu. Wake up." No response. He tried again "Come on, I need help." Still nothing. He sighed, time for plan b.

He gets closer, enough to whisper in his mate's ear, and in a pleading tone he says "Takanobu. Your mate and pup need you. Please wake up. Alpha please ."

It works like a charm. Takanobu shoots up, looking around for a threat that's not there. Kenji tries to stifle a laugh but can't. Nobu shoots him a glare.

"Don't look at me like that." An annoyed look "Yes I know it's late. I just....need something." Kenji looked to the side. He was still kind of embarrassed. He was aware that it was normal, especially at this stage of his pregnancy to have cravings but he was he didn't wanna give in.

A hand caressed his cheek. He looked up and his mate was giving a small smile "What do you need love?"

"I want mochi." A raised eyebrow "Look it's your fault. This" he pointed to his belly "Is your baby. And your baby wants mochi. So can you get your pregnant mate some please?"

It's quiet for a second but Takanobu does get up and heads to their shared closet to change out of his pajamas "Strawberry flavor please!" The alpha pressed a kiss to his omega's forehead before leaving to get what he asked

45 minutes later, Takanobu came back, mochi in hand...only to find his mate fast asleep, spread eagle on their bed. He was kind of annoyed, it took forever to find a store that sold mochi at three am.

A sigh, before he gave the other a fond smile 'Least he was sleeping'. He ended up putting the mochi away in case the omega wanted it later. He changed back into his pajamas before moving the other so he could hug the other from behind. He couldn't help but move his hand to the swell of the omega's stomach.

At 25 weeks, it was more pronounced and obvious that he was carrying. It took a while to finally get here. They had been trying on and off for a little longer than a year and getting discouraged as it seems everyone was starting families of their own. But then finally, finally, they were expecting.

Takanobu nuzzled into the crook of his neck, into the omega's scent glands. His scent of lemon and sugar now had the alpha's own ocean breeze as a result of the pregnancy. He loved it, it was further proof that his mate was with a pup. His pup. They would be sharing their home with another soon. He fell asleep with that thought in his head.

When the alpha woke up, Kenji was already awake. He found the other stuffing his face with the mochi from last night.

"You know that's not good for you right?" The omega let out a scream and jumped up before relaxing when he realized it was just his mate.

"Jesus christ Takanobu! You scared me!"

"Sorry." He walked over to embrace the other "But I'm right. It's not good for the baby."

"The baby is the one who wanted it in the first place."

"Okay, but at least eat some actual food. Sit down, I'll make you something."

Kenji flushed "You don't have too."

Takanobu was already getting a pan out. "Yes I do. I have to take care of you both."

Kenji, still having a little pink in his cheeks, took a seat by their kitchen island so he could watch the other. He really had the best mate "You're gonna make a great dad."

"You'll be a good mom." a snort.

"Oh please, she's gonna get my sass."

"Like she hasn't already?" another snort.

"You got me there."

They couldn't wait until their daughter was born.

I do have a partly written fic going into more into them starting a family and the issues involving it but I decided to go fluff first.

Also they have a girl named Kohana, meaning little flower. And yes, she does get Futa's sass.

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