Fighting For Love Pt.1 (KamaNiwa/SasaLuc)

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AN: If you want something done right, do it yourself. And that's why this exists. Valentine's day special for myself because I'm my own Valentine. This originally was just gonna be one chapter, but I got inspiration and now it's three.

Kamasaki watched from the lunch table as the alpha, a nameless asshole in his opinion, got too close to comfort his omega.

The boy placed his hand on Moni's shoulder.

Kamasaki's plastic fork snapped in his hand

"Could you be any more jealous?" Sasaya said, noticing his plight. Over their many years of friendship, he had grown to know many things about him.

Like how he was a very jealous alpha for instance.

He was the only one out of the four to not share a class with the rest. Thus, he wasn't assigned the group project with the rest of them. Maybe then he wouldn't be in the situation he's in now.

Moniwa, his boyfriend, happened to be assigned two alphas who were brothers, along with another omega. Said alphas were known to be big flirts, and one of them definitely seemed to have a thing for his boyfriend of two years.

"Shut up. How can you be okay with this?! Luc is in their group too!" Luciel, Moniwa's cousin and Sasaya's boyfriend, was the other (un)lucky omega to be part of this group. The other alpha was definitely trying to be suave but considering the expression on the former libero's face, he wasn't having it. Sasaya just shrugged.

Apparently, the two of them had either the best/worst luck with omegas, because they both got with some of the most desirable omegas in school.

Moniwa was the epitome of a perfect omega. Kind, shy and motherly. He was very sweet and often babied his juniors and cousins. His role as a captain, well former captain, also makes many an alpha want to get powerful omega under them.

Luc was no better. His dad was rich, and thanks to his spoiled step-siblings many people knew this fact. His step-mom wasn't much better; trying multiple times to set him up with kids of her friends. Luc wasn't interested, and thus had a bit of a reputation for being an omega that can, would, and has kicked the ass of any alpha who would try to bother him. It didn't stop people from trying to tame him though.

Both of them were used to people trying to get with their boyfriends but knew they were loyal and uninterested. And despite trying to make it clear they were taken, it didn't stop.

"Luc can handle himself. This shit has been happening forever and he's more than capable of defending himself."

"And if he can't?"

Sasaya puts his fork down, resting his head on his interlocked hands

"Then I make them." He said. Sasaya, despite his calm demeanor, which made many people question why he dates such a feral omega like Luc, did care about his boyfriend and wasn't afraid to protect him if needed. He wasn't the ace, but he was still a former starting wing spiker and had the strength to prove it.

"Well, it looks like you may have to." Kamasaki gestures back to the table. The other alpha was attempting to put an arm around Luc's shoulders. He immediately pushes it off and talks to Moni.

"See? We have nothing to worry about." Kamasaki was tempted to point out how he was gripping his fork tightly but didn't. It probably wouldn't have done well anyways.

This was gonna be a long week.

"I hate this."

"Well damn, it's not like you've been telling me for the last 3 days," Sasaya says in a sarcastic tone. For the last few days, their omegas have been discussing the project with the 'dumbass duo' as he's been calling it. They made plans to finish it this Saturday and after lots of begging, at Luc's house. You'd think by now they would quit with the flirting but nope. It only seemed to increase their efforts. If by the off-chance they assumed they were single (which you would have to be idiotic to think that) he's tried to make it clear. Holding hands, a kiss here and there, scent-marking but nope.

"If it makes you feel better, it's due Friday, so you won't have to be jealous anymore."

"Ah yes. Our boyfriends are all alone in a house with two alphas we know are bad news. That's very comforting." Kamasaki deadpans. He had called Sasaya to vent considering he's in a similar situation, but all he's getting is sass.

"Okay dumbass, what do you suggest we do."

"Go over there."

"Absolutely not. They would be so pissed at us."

"I don't see you suggesting anything!"

"Because I don't care!"

"Bullshit. Don't think I've not noticed the glares you level at the guy's back."

"Okay and? The fucker keeps putting his damn hands on my boyfriend. It pisses me off." He's aware of that. Considering the fact he's the one initiating the PDA, usually, Luc does it. It's fairly obvious he's doing it to prove a point. " But getting involved will make things worse. They still have to do the project with them."

Kamasaki grumbles. He has a point.

"Look I gotta go. You're just gonna have to deal with it." Sasaya hung up and Kamasaki groaned before putting down his phone. It's not that he didn't trust his boyfriend, he did.

It's them he doesn't trust. He knew for a fact Luc's dad wasn't home, as usual, and his step-mom and step-siblings wouldn't care (they would probably even encourage it knowing how they felt about the omegas). So it's just them. Unless of course Sam is-

"Sam!" Samuel was Luciel's half-brother and Kaname's cousin. He looked up to them and played volleyball because of them. Despite also being an omega and 3 years younger than both of them, he towered over them at 6 feet. Yasushi and Takehito had met him when he showed up to their games to support his family. He was a nice boy if a bit unhinged and scary at times. Because the four usually hung out at Luc's place, it wasn't uncommon to see him. He lived there after all. Sometimes he would join in their practices in the backyard. He was a middle blocker, so the alphas were better suited to teach him being a middle blocker and a wing spiker vs a libero and setter, something he very appreciated. The younger boy had given him and Sasaya his number, just in case.

Kamasaki dialed his number and after a few rings he picked up.

"Hey Kama, what's up?" Sam said, just as cheerful as ever.

"Hey Sam, how have you been?"


"That's good. Hey, by any chance is your brother and cousin there?"

"Ah, so that's what this is about. Yep, along with two knot for brains. For the last hour, I've heard them trying to get in their pants." He sighs "It's just sad at this point."

"I'm guessing you know them"

"Unfortunately" the omega sighed "Their names are Katomoi and Shitsuren. They're teammates of my brother" Sam's other half brother (and Luc's step-sibling) played on Dateko's soccer team "My mom is friends with theirs" He should've known. Sam's mom, Luc's stepmom, was a major bitch. He didn't like her and Sasaya didn't like her. Hell! Even Sam didn't like her. She had tried to play matchmaker and set of her friends' kids with them (without the omegas consent, of course). She didn't give a shit that they were taken or how they felt. She just didn't care. She only did things to benefit herself. God, that woman was insufferable.

"Great. Do you think you can watch them? I don't trust them."

"Aww~ Is the big bad alpha being all soft for his boyfie?~" Sam teased. Just like his older brother, Samuel was a little shit.

"No." Silence "Maybe. Look, just please do this for me? Text me if anything goes wrong."

"Got it. Talk to you later!" the younger boy hung up. Kamasaki sighed.

He really hoped he wouldn't have to.

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