They Made It, Now Will They Break It (SasaLuc)

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I mentioned Moni was there when Luc realized he was preggo. Well, here it is. Oh, and more angst.

"Why can't you do it?! I've been busy!"

"And you don't think I'm not?! You do it!"

"All I asked was for you to make dinner tonight! I've been working! I'm tired!"

"So?! I'm juggling my degree AND my job. I'm fucking exhausted! Can't you do this one god damn time?!" Luciel yelled back, getting into Takehito's face. It's only been 5 minutes since the alpha got home, yet both of them are already fighting.

"You've been sitting around all day goofing around on your laptop! Meanwhile, I've been working my ass off!"

"I've been studying and doing my coursework! You know damn well my professor has it in for me."

Takehito huffed "Or maybe it's all bullshit. I would be surprised if you've been goofing off"

"And maybe your supervisor isn't a dong. It's just you."

"He has it out for me! Any small mistake and he blows it out of proportion!"

"Well, gee I wonder why. You know what!?" Luc walked away, picking his laptop off the table "You can starve for all I care. Go fuck yourself." Luc walked past him, bumping into him in the process, and walked into his office, slamming and locking the door. Sasaya growled but headed to the kitchen to fix something up for himself.

Fights seemed to have become more common for the 'happy couple'. Despite being together for nearly a decade, living together for over half of them, and even being engaged for over a year, fights weren't a thing for them.

Expect now. Luc's professor disliked him for reasons unknown. The omega has his assignment graded stricter than his classmates. Points got taken off for arbitrary reasons. Meanwhile, Sasaya got a new supervisor who seems to have it out for him. If he so much as stands around for a second he gets yelled at.

Of course, that bothered them. But instead of doing anything about it, they've seemed to have started taking it out on each other. This wasn't their first fight over something stupid, and it probably won't be the last.

As Sasaya ate his cereal (he was too tired to make anything else) he could faintly hear the sounds of retching. Luc probably just threw up in the trash can.

He's been doing that a lot more recently. The alpha definitely took notice. But when asked the omega blames it on stress. It's not too far-fetched, he's done it before. But he's still secretly worried. But the last time he came to check on him after he was still mad led to another argument. He's not making the same mistake again.

For now, he'll eat his cereal and head to bed. It's better if they both cool off.

"I'm telling you Kaname! He's been such a dong recently! We can't have a conversation without us screaming at each other!" Luc said, waving the arm that wasn't holding his soda wildly. In a rare moment of a break, he decided to visit his cousin.

Said cousin was listening to his complaining, his glass of water resting on the table. "Maybe you should try to talk things through?" He was unsure exactly what to say.

"God. I thought your husband was peak assholery."

"Wow. Thanks." Kaname deadpanned

"Hey don't take it the wrong way. I know he treats you well, especially now." Two months ago the couple had announced they were expecting. Kaname happened to be about five months along "But you gotta admit he can be a douche."

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