Part 86

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Honestly I'm so over my family right about now,

Fist off my sister is trying out for my schools cheer team and she's learning the tryout dances and cheers and she asked me to give her constructive criticism, SO I DID! Then she asked why I was being MEAN!! And she also keeps repeating words to cheers that aren't even for tryouts! And when I ask her nicely to please stop, she lagit keeps doing it and says YOU NEED TO KNOW THEN TOO, like girl! I'm on the team! I know my cheers!!!

Secondly I told my mom at the beginning of the season that we would have to purchased new warm ups every year, but when I brought it up to her the other day she said that the coach needs to stop with this last minute crap!!
And I also told her that we would possibly be doing competition because we can't cheer at basketball games and that we would be geting competition uniform and we would be fundraising to get the money to pay for them, and she made a big deal about that too!! And now because she's mad at my dad she's mad at all of us in the house!!!

And I so can't wait till school starts back up because I don't know how much more of this I can take! 😔😔
And istg if it gets said at the football game tomorrow that I look 21 I will cry
Only bc I hate people looking at me! It makes me super self conscious! 😭
Like honestly I think I need human interaction

Send help
Or don't it's all good 🥲🥲
This girl is probably going to have a mental breakdown soon ✌️✌️
But I'll probably jus cry and watch some YouTube and I'll be fineeeee
I always turn out fineeee 😞✌️

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