Part 54

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Soooooo I still haven't found my Journal thing and I almost did something really dumb yesterday because I can't vent out how I feel into my journal but I Low key think my parents took it tho ;-;
So I hate scary things, so I tend to hate Halloween not the dressing up or walking around part I just hate the people or things trying to scare me part.
But the sad part is I get scared easily and I mean really easy, for example every Halloween the park and Rec center in the town I live in does a haunted house and it's cool how they put it all together and they make it so little kids can go though it and not get too scared but every time I go though it I feel like it's extra scary and there's always someone in the stupid thing that stands right behind me half way though it too so I almost always cry when going though it! And I made a dumb decision to the day before Halloween to go on a haunted hay ride with my mom and dad even though my friend bri told my that it's really scary!! So ima Fr cry and probably have nightmares because of this!!
Y'all ever have those times we're you let your sibling borrow a pair of clothes and they say ether you said I could were it for the hole weak or mom said I could have it mowing good and well nether of those things were said!
Well I have exactly that from my sister!!
I let her Borrow my softball slides for one day of volleyball practice and she's keeped them for a weak and a half!!
She's lucky I have two other pairs of spandex shorts but I will end up stealing them back tho bc there mine and there the longest pair I have and I'm not trying to go to the park three days a weak wearing short shorts

Baby outty

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