Part 101

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I need to get a updated schedule going because I keep forgetting to update when I actually have or remember something good to write about I forget to actually write about it
But a lot has happened and I know I say that a lot but it's true

So for starters there was senior sunrise and I have to get up at 3am and all we did was sit around, eat food and drink energy drinks for hours then two of my friends got on top of a roof of the place we were at, but they didn't want to jump off the roof so they got this like 6'6 guy to get them down and the nice thing was he was super respectful, like he didn't be weird about helping them or anything and he stoped one of them from falling in the nicest way possible. And after all that my two friends did the worm on the ground because This one guy didn't want to do it alone and the girl did the worm like 10 times better than him.

Well I also ran for senior class secretary and won by default because I was the only person running for it too, the embarrassing thing was they had us sit in font of the hole school and I was in my cheer uniform too, and what made it worse that half the school (just basically the freshman and sophomores) hate the cheer team ;-;

And then my cheer team now has drama, like two or more girls on the team don't like this other girl, but I'm staying out of it and not picking sides and staying mutual and friends with all of them, unless one of them gives me a reason not to like them tho

And now there's this guy I'm like talking talking to and we're both like really awkward but it's cute tho and the cool thing is he's like 6''6 too so the hight difference it adorable, and the cool thing is apparently we went to the same high school in 9th grade and had some of the same friends and seen each other around school but didn't talk, but then he moved then I moved and now we go to the same school again and are actually talking, and he said it was meant to be so that's cute!

And there was recently a carnival in my town and we ended up going and hanging out together with my sister and her little guy friend too, but I wanted to go on the really fast spinning rides that apparently went high in the air but the guy I'm talking too was super nice and held my hand when I was scared and told me I would be alright and that he got me, and he met my parents and they ended up liking him and stuff like that then he ended up shooting me in the knee with a BB gun then told my mom I did it as a joke and now he just tells everyone that

And a lot more happened but I'll leave that for a better update!

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