Not exactly as planned

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That day made the two rediscover how wonderful life could be, especially if lived together, without any looming danger in burning buildings, made them understand how the future could be together.

However, they knew that the Station 19 and Grey's needed them: specially the captain, who allowed them to carry out their missions in the best way and with the least possible damage, or rather, she tried; sometimes she had made bad choices, but she had learned from her mistakes and is now able to lead the group in the most efficient way.

„There is another place I would like to take you to before going home," said Maya at the end of the afternoon when they were about to return to the bike. „A place you used to go to after you became who you are now?" the brown-haired woman asked with an amused smile, actually feeling sorry that the day is almost over, after all she was really enjoying herself and relaxing, it annoyed her that time had passed so quickly.

„Well yes, I took Felicity with me a few times and ..." Carina stopped abruptly and turned quickly to Maya, who had a frozen smile on her lips, even though she tried not to show it. „Sorry, I didn't want to ..." the blonde said on thorns, believing she had ruined what she had managed to build on that magnificent day. She realized she had said something absolutely out of place, talking about the ex-girlfriend with her current girlfriend was certainly not a smart move to make, especially during a date.

„It doesn't matter" replied the other trying to overcome that moment of deep jealousy that had gripped her bowels in a vice. It was something Carina knew all too well.

Maya stopped and forced her to look into her eyes after taking off her sunglasses to show her the firmness of her gaze and let her know how serious she was. The same look she always had at important mission, when she was convinced of what she said by strongly opposing others, usually Andy. For this reason the brown-haired woman had no doubts that she was going to say something she really believed in, but a part of her, very hidden, continued to doubt.

„The more time passes, the more I realize that what I feel for you is much deeper" she said, blushing furiously. She caught a shadow of uncertainty on the face of the woman in front of her even though it had only lasted a few seconds.

„Once thawed and discovered that I want my life back I was able to go on ..." she took her face in her hands forcing her to look her straight in the eye „But I'm not sure I can do it if it happens with you too...I don't even want to think about a life without you!" Carina was speechless for what was undoubtedly a full-blown statement and her heart couldn't help but start galloping in her chest as her face was on fire.
This day felt as if it was their first date and their first pretty statements for each other.

„And then there are things that I have never thought of doing with her and that instead seem natural to me with you" continued the confident and more relaxed blond. The italian observed her resolute face and small cracks of uncertainty began to plow through the armor she had built around herself after the thing with her ex-fiancée.

„For example?" she asked curiously after a few seconds, raising an eyebrow. Maya mentally cursed herself for letting that remark slip away to reassure her. She should have imagined that her girlfriend would have wanted an example to prove what she had just said. In their year of relationship she had learned that Carina's attitude and boundless self-esteem were nothing more than a mask behind which a very insecure woman was hiding and always looking for approval.

"Living together, calling you my fiancée or wife, getting a little family which I am glad I have with you" Maya promptly replied, blushing even more. Actually she was thinking about the marriage proposal. Maybe sooner or later she would get married to her ex-girlfriend, but she never really thought about it as she had with Carina.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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