Chapter Three: Stargazing

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Aptitude test day. Although you ate breakfast in silence, apparently listening to Sasha's constant chatter, your head was instead filled with worry. You had no doubt that Sasha would pass, she was always graceful with her balance: either riding horses or climbing trees, it all seemed so easy for her. But you on the other hand, was a different story.

Just as you expected, after breakfast when the cadets were taking their turns using the balancing 3D Maneuver units, Sasha seemed at ease. She sat casually in the harness, swinging slightly back and forth, with a rather bored expression. However, the crowd waiting for their turn began giggling and peering over the shoulder of a cadet, you saw Eren hanging upside down. Smirking, you figured you would at least manage to stay upright.

Once your turn arrived, you were hoisted in the air and after a few wobbles, you managed to relax into the harness and felt relief at the ease of it. Breathing out a sigh of relief, you remained calmly in the air, until you were finally let down. Sasha beamed and hugged you as you joined her.

"I can not believe you were worried about this. You are a natural," Sasha told you happily.

"How did you know I was worried? I didn't say anything."

"Exactly, you always get extra quiet when you are nervous," Sasha grinned as she pointed her finger in your face. Rolling your eyes, you flung an arm around her shoulder to bump her forehead lightly with yours. The action was your usual way of showing affection with each other.

For the remaining time of the training session, Sasha kept up a muttered commentary going about the cadets in the harnesses which had you gasping from silent laughter. But you both interestedly watched the ones with natural talent. You recognized the two boys and the blonde girl who had sat at the next table during last night's dinner and blushed slightly when you looked at the blonde boy. He was very tall and broad, and despite his stoic expression, he was quite handsome.

Sasha wanted to join the military police, but that meant getting into the top ten of the graduating class. At first you had been keen on the idea, but as training continued and you realized how many strong cadets there were in your class, you began to doubt yourself. What if Sasha got into the military police, but you didn't? You had spent long nights worrying over that outcome until one evening at dinner Connie asked them which regiment they wanted to join. You took a long drink to cover your pause at answering and let Sasha answer first.

"Well the Military Police brigade would be amazing," Sasha nudged you with her elbow. "But we will stick together, so the Garrison would be our second option." You smiled behind your mug, relieved at her answer. You hadn't wanted to breach the subject with her before, afraid of what she might say, but Sasha easily dismissed your worries.

Connie began to happily discuss joining the Military Police with Sasha, while you slowly ate your food. Both of them were so alike; Connie even managed to keep up with Sasha's eating. Two trays of food were set on the table across from you, and you looked up to smile at Marco who happily returned it, but you decidedly ignored Jean. You found Jean to be rather rude and couldn't believe someone as sweet as Marco could stand to be friends with him. Jean sighed as he sat down, he didn't seem to like you either; rather apparent by his constant snarky remarks towards you.

"You were amazing in the titan training today, y/n. You were so fast, how many targets did you get?"

"Seven. What about you Marco?"

He stared at you, and you noticed Sasha and Connie had also stopped talking. "Uh, I- I got three."

You glanced at the others. Connie raised four fingers and Sasha smirked at you. She had only gotten two, but that was because she was having more fun using the maneuver gear than looking for the titan targets. Jean snorted, refusing to look at you.

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